Chapter Three *Edited

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 © Amber Kalkes 2014

Song Of The Chapter: "Come A Little Closer" By Cage The Elephant


Chapter Three: Meeting Tall Dark And Furry.


When I got home I was no longer in a good mood. Now reality started sinking in. I wasn’t allowed to date normal boys. I couldn’t. Not with a pack of werewolves to take care of. No guy would willingly come into this life. That was why the women of my family often just stuck with being single moms. People just didn’t get it and it was selfish of us to assume that anyone could.

These wolves were like our family. We loved them like they were our children. Sometimes my mom even treated them better than me. Grandma doted on them like they were feral pets. Both cleaned up their messes without a speck of questioning. Family always comes first, my grandmother would have reminded me.

After mom died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound I was with grandma full time. Then grandma died of cancer. Of course, she didn’t tell me. I assumed it was because she didn’t know. At least, that’s what I told myself. I didn’t want to think the old bat would lie to me but I also knew her better than that.

I sighed as I pulled the keys out of the ignition. Well, I thought regretfully, at least it was fun while it lasted. Grabbing my stuff from Penny I made my way to the front door when I heard claws scratching against the wood of the porch. Turning towards the sound I let out a gasp when I came face to face with the black wolf.

He was bleeding, I could tell from the metallic smell of it. He looked so exhausted as he tried to walk closer to him before slumping back onto the porch floor. I threw my stuff onto the porch swing quickly before kneeling down beside him. My hand hesitated before running itself through the black mane. God, it felt like velvet.

I went stock still when I thought I heard him groan. Could a wolf groan? Apparently this one could. As I petted his matted fur I could feel tingles shooting up my arms like veins of light. It was really odd but relaxing at the same time. Then something hit me like a ton of bricks.

“You're not a wolf are you? I mean not really.” I said close to his large ears.

I heard him whimper.

“Are you a…. werewolf?”

Again he whimpered then dug his face into my hand. I continued to pet him to let him know I wasn’t mad. This was weird, yes, but something felt right about this. Like I knew what he was long ago but I pushed it out of my mind in favor of comforting the wounded creature.

“Are you going to go change to a human or do I have to continue to ask you questions like this?” I ventured.

Slowly he lifted his still injured body up and limped down the porch stairs. I watched as he walked around toward the woods. Suddenly, fear hit me in the gut causing a million thoughts to run through my head. Thoughts like: Did he just leave? Was he going to come back? Why did I care? Oh my god did I have a crush on a wolf-human thingy? I’m hungry.

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