Chapter Ten *Edited

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  © Amber Kalkes 2014

*Song Of The Chapter: "Pretty Thing" By Dylan Dray

Chapter Ten: I’d Rather Be Pissed On.


My head was pounding like a screen door in a hurricane as consciousness seeped into my sore brain. I could feel the sun cascading though my windows but it wasn’t a welcomed feeling. Sun meant brightness and brightness meant pain.

Never. Again.

Okay, maybe never was a strong word but not soon.

I wiggled around a bit trying to get away from the sun. I then giggled realizing I was acting like a vampire. Wait! Did vampires exist? God, I hoped they didn’t sparkle or any of that shit. Oh yeah, I watch that movie. I had to watch Kill Bill on rotation to get the love sickness off me.

“What’s so funny?”

I flew out of the bed and promptly landed in a heap on the hard wood floor. Who the hell was in my---oh wait! Realization hit me then. I recognized that voice! Seth!

I peeked over the top of my mattress to see Seth, a very shirtless Seth I may add, sprawled on my bed. One dark brow was raised and his lips were pursed letting me know he was holding in laughter. I noticed this seemed to be a common problem for him.

“Um…. Hello, Seth.” I smiled timidly.

“Hi, Sylvie.” He chuckled. “Why are you on the floor?”

I bit my lip and looked at the bedpost closest to me. “You surprised me.”

“Well I’m impressed with how fast you can move.”

I thought about that a second then smiled. “Hey, me too.”

Seth shook his head, smiling. “Do you want to come back up? I imagine it’s cold down there and I give off a lot of heat.”

I glanced down at his bare chest. Hell yeah he did.

“Sylvie?” he prodded.

I looked up to see his amused face. “Oh. Um. Yeah. I’ll come back up.”

I lifted myself back up and crawled back onto the bed. I then got the brilliant idea to test Seth. Did he really think I was pretty? Did that mean he thought I was sexy? I bit my lip and met his eyes, the playfulness slowly draining. I began crawling towards him like a cat, slow and slinky.

My heart was pounding like a jackrabbit in my chest. Especially when his eyes darkened and his pupils enlarged until there was hardly any green left. I hadn’t been around many men but I had read enough romance novels and watched enough movies to know that look. Lust. Seth was lusting after me.

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