Chapter Nine {Seth's POV} *Edited

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 © Amber Kalkes 2014 

*Song Of The Chapter: "Howlin' For You" By The Black Keys

Chapter Nine: New Voice


She didn’t trust me.

That was the summarization I could take from her words and actions. The panicked look on her face when I grabbed her roughly was a huge clue. Mostly because for a split second I saw the glimmer of betrayal in her eyes when I half dragged toward the house. I don’t know what she expected when her gaze landed on Alek but she seemed surprised when I snarled at him.

Did she really think I wouldn’t protect her?

My father and mother had been a mated pair. Their love was precious and pure. A little kid, even if I was male, can’t help but want a piece of that. That kind of love is so rare in a world of divorce, cheating, and emotionless flings. It’s true the last of those happens for those wolves that simply can’t hold themselves back but we always save our heart for our mate. The one made just for you. The other half of you.

Sylvie was that for me. Sure, at first she was just some odd forest girl who stood out because of her bright red hair and fearless gaze. Then I shifted but I didn’t see her again until I was eighteen. She was twelve then, and yes I realize it’s totally pervy but when I saw her again I knew she was meant to be my mate. It wasn’t sexual, I can assure you. She was just a kid but the urge to see her smile, speak, or just be herself was like watching a natural wonder.

I needed to protect her. I wanted her away from us but she just wouldn’t go. I tried my best to take care of any dirty work Alek needed myself. So she wouldn’t have to see how insane things had gotten. Her grandmother was ill and as the years passed on she only got worse with cancer. We could all smell it on her. The poor woman had reeked of death.

When Sylvie turned eighteen her grandmother passed and she was alone. I often watched her. The loneliness in her eyes matched mine, yet I had a pack, I had makeshift family while Sylvie had books and daydreams. Still I didn’t go to her. She was too good for this life but she seemed determined to carry on her family’s tradition. Part of me was glad she did, the longing would have been too much to endure if she had left. Selfish, I know but I couldn’t help it. She was born to be mine for all of our lives.

Then Trent was killed. Alek, the bastard executed him like a barbarian and then dumped him on her doorstep before I could do a damn thing about it. I watched from the tree line to see her already kneeling over Trent’s mutilated corpse. She looked so…well honestly she looked pissed but she looked great too. She was in a thin nightgown you see in like an old horror movie and her pale petite legs were showing. I wanted to kiss the bruise she had on her shin from tripping when she had been reading but instead I watched her like a stalker.

When I saw her come back out of the house again in her boots and jacket I realized she was going to do the dirty work. As quickly as I could I made my way to the birch trees and began digging, I didn’t want her to do that much labor. Besides in reality the whole situation shouldn’t had been hers to deal with. Of course, little sneaker she was caught me digging. Then she spoke.

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