CDC or Fort Bennings

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~Willow's POV~
Once Daryl and me got our clothes back on, we went outside surprised to see almost everyone else up. Rick wasn't there and neither were Lori and Shane.

I decided to go tell Carol about me and Daryl being a couple, but I wasn't gonna tell her about the whole sex thing since we didn't even know if i was pregnant.

Right after I told Carol, Lori and Shane came out of the woods. Also, right at that very moment, Rick came walking back to camp. Eventually, I heard Rick and Shane talking about where we should go now.

Rick suggested we go to the CDC because he heard that there might be a quarantined safe zone there. Shane suggested that we go to Fort Benning's an army base that was over 100 miles away. All together, we decided to go with Rick's idea since Shane's was a little risky.

Of course, Shane was against this because he wanted to be the big man of the group. We let Rick and Shane talk, and ultimately, Shane said that he's known Rick for a long time, and he trusts his instinct. So off we were to the CDC.

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