Jim Gets Left Behind

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~Willow's POV~
We all started to get our clothes together, and get everything we may need. Carol, Sophia, Lori, and Carl rode in the cherokee, with Rick driving. Shane rode by himself, and Daryl and me rode in his truck. Everyone else rode in the RV.

It was revealed a few days ago, that Jim was bitten. To help him get luxury, he rode on the bed in the back of the RV. I still felt like he wasn't going to make it much longer.

We came to screeching holt, when the RV stopped with smoke coming out of the the front. Daryl jumped out and went to the front of the RV. I don't know much about cars, but I know enough to help out.

I jumped out the truck after Daryl, and followed him.

"Should we rig it"? I heard Rick suggest. I was only here a day longer than Rick, but I know that, the RV is old and has more than likely been rigged, mire times than he's changed boxers.

"That's all it's been, it's more duct tape than hose. And I'm all out of duct tape". Dale's small bit of comic relief made me chuckle inside.

I looked to my right to see Shane looking through the binoculars, I was hoping and praying he would find something.

"I see somethin' up ahead, gas station if we're lucky". Shane for once made me want to scream in joy.

Rick was getting ready to tell everyone the plan when Jaqui came out of the RV with a worried look on her face. The thing that scared me was she was with Jim keepin' an eye on him.

"Y'all, Jim it's bad, I don't think he can take much more". The words Jaqui spoke made me wanna cry. Even though i didn't know Jim that well he was still part of this group.

Shane decided to have Rick stay back while he drives ahead to see what he can. T-dog decided to go with Shane to help out.

I followed Rick into the RV to see how Jim was doin'. As I stepped inside, the Georgia heat was worsened, I didn't even know how that was possible.

I knew what Rick was gonna say and I knew how Jim would react. In the calmest voice Rick told Jim we were gonna be on the road again soon.

"Oh no, christ, my bones, my bones are like glass. Every little bump. God this ride's killin me. Leave me here". He used his neck to motion us to a tree that had lots of shade.

Rick looked dumbfounded. I was ready to say something when Jim spoke up again. "I'm done, just leave me... I wanna be with my family".

After trying to argue, Rick finally decided Jim wasn't going to give up. We waited a little bit for Shane and T to get back before we got Jim out of the RV. We sat him up against the tree he showed us earlier and asked if he was comfortable.

Everyone said their goodbyes except for me. I slowly walked up to Jim ready to send him off peacefully. When I reached the top of the hill, I quietly knelt down to talk to him.

"Sorry this happened to you Jim. I wish we could have done something to prevent this. On the bright side, you'll be with your family. I'll always know that you're watching over us with your family in heaven. I know you're going to a better place that will stop all this hurt. And even though I can't stop that, I just wanted to let you be the first person i tell this too, because i won't ever get the chance to again. I'm pregnant". I couldn't believe I just said that to a dying man.

Jim just sat there looking at me with a blank expression on his face. I figured he had already passed so I slowly got up and walked down the hill. As I was almost to the bottom, I heard Jim call my name. I ran back up the hill to hear his final few words.

"Congratulations Willow". I bent down and carefully hugged him as not to cause him any more pain.

"Thank you", was all I could muster up. With that I walked down the hill and got into the passenger side of Daryl's truck.

With that, we continued towards the CDC. I watched Jim fade away mentally and physically, with a few tears shedding down my face.

Goodbye Jim, forever.

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