Backed Up Graveyard

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~Willow's POV~
After the CDC, we got supplies and siphoned some gas. Daryl decided to ditch the truck and just let T-Dog drive it. He drove the motorcycle, so i rode with him, with his crossbow on my back. We were driving for a good while, until we came to I-85, backed up with more than 100 cars at the most.

Daryl sped ahead of Dale to try and find a way through. He eventually circled back to meet with Dale at the RV driver's side window.

"See a way through?" Daryl just used his head to tell Dale to follow us.

We were right infront of the RV when a huge pop occured. I turned around to see more smoke coming from the front.

"I said it, didn't i say it? A thousand times, dead in the water?" Dale was pretty mad at this point.

"Problem Dale?" Shane was not helping in this situation.

"Well just the small matter of bein' stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-. Okay that was dumb."

"Can't find a radiator hose here."

Daryl jumped in, "Whole bunch of stuff we can find."

T-Dog decided to go with Daryl, "Siphon more fuel from these cars for a start."

More people started naming off things we might be able to find in the cars.

"This is a graveyard. I don't know how i feel about this." Lori, get over it.

We all started to look through the cars for anything that could be of use. I stayed close to everyone, but not so close to Daryl, i didn't want to seem clingy. I looked over and saw Glenn working on a car, and Shane open a huge supply truck, right before it opened, i walked over besides Shane.

When that door swung open, 10s of giant water jugs, filled to the brim with water appeared in front of us. At the same time, we both pulled out a water jug enough to keep it balanced, and poured it all over ourselves. I proceeded to go get Daryl to help me carry them, when i saw, a giant herd of walkers coming towards us.

My instincts were to get under a car and stay quiet. Carefully as not to bump my stomach, i slid under a car. I noticed Rick walk by me, and tell everyone else to get down. Once he was under a car, he looked over and saw me. Seconds seemed like minutes.

In front of me, T-Dog slid down a door, slicing his arm in the process. He was just about to pass out, when Daryl came up behind a walker heading for T and stabbed it in the brainstem. Daryl helped T lay down, and laid the walker on top of him. He then proceeded to open a car door, grab a dead walker from inside, and throw it on top of himself. Looking over, he saw me and let out a sigh of relieve.

For these few minutes i had to calm down and just think, i began thinking about how just for being a month along in my pregnancy, i was actually alittle big, i also started thinking about boy names and girl names.  Eventually, all the walkers went by and the shuffling of feet stopped, but we all knew to wait unless they weren't all gone. Sophia however didn't know this. She starting to get out from under the car, when a lone walker found her.

She crawled out the other side, only to be greeted by another walker. Scared, she ran off into the woods, with Rick chasing after her. We all went to stop Carol from going to. Everyone of us stood at the railing, waiting for Rick to come back with Sophia. He eventually came back saying he found Sophia, put her under tree roots near the lake to take care of the walkers, and when he went back, she was gone.

Glenn, Shane, Rick, and Daryl were talking about going back to look for Sophia. They were almost ready to leave when i walked up to Daryl. "Hey, um i was just wondering two things. One do you want a boy or a girl?" He replied boy which i kinda figured. "Two, do you care if i tell the rest of the group we're a thing, i think we've had this secret long enough." Before he could answer i leaned in to his ear and whispered, "Don't worry, i won't tell them I'm pregnant we should tell them together." He just gave me a a smirk.

"You're right, we've been keeping this secret for way to long, i think it's time they know, and don't worry i'll tell the guys." I gave Daryl a peck on the cheek and headed towards the RV.

Since we would have a while 'till they came back, we decided to move the cars so Dale could circle the RV around. Shane and Glenn came back, which was good for us because we got extra help. Shane used his car to bump other cars to get them out of the way while Andrea steered them.

I was standing by Dale when Carol walked over to us. "Why aren't we all out there looking? Why are we movin' cars?"

"We have to clear enough room so i can get the RV turned around as soon as it's runnin'. Now that we have fuel we can double back to a bypass that Glenn flagged on the map."

Shane walked by talking to Carol, "Goin' back is gonna be easier than tryin' to get through this mess."

Carol was still mad. "We're not goin' anywhere 'till my daughter gets back."

Lori walked by, "That goes without saying."

Shane came walking back to take a rest. "Look Rick and Daryl are on it, ok? It's just a matter of time."

I decided to speak up. "Carol i get it, i'm worried too. But you need to let Rick and Daryl handle this. Both of us have three people out there that we care about. I know you and Lori already know this, but for the guys that don't, me and Daryl are together."

Andrea and Glenn walked up, and i knew they heard me. But everyone just brushed it off. Andrea had water bottles, and gave me and Glenn one.

"Can't be soon enough for me. Still freaked out from that herd that passes us by. Or whatever you'd call that."

Glenn was confused to, "Yeah what was that? All of them just marchin' along like that."

"Herd. That sounds about right. Hell we've seen it come through the night we got attacked, just a wanderin' pack of afew. Ok, ahem, come on people, we still got alot to do. Let's stay on it, let's go." Shane was really tryin' to hide somethin'.

Everyone was just standin' around. We were all talking, when we heard Shane crank up a car. The radio came on, causin' us all to race over.

"Emergency *static* has been activated. The officers of civil deffense have issued the following message 'normal broadcasting will cease immediately, this is the civil emergency-." Glenn cut off the radio.

"Is that a local signal?" I was hoping it was but i knew it wasn't.

"It's gotta be within' 50 miles of here." What i had said made Glenn upset.

"Remain calm, help is on the way, emergency alert has been activated-." Shane shut off the radio.

"Let's get back to work."

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