The Only One Left

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~Willow's POV~
We finally make it to the CDC in Atlanta. Coming to a stop, there were bodies upon bodies of dead walkers. Weapons raised ready to fire, the smell came like a punch to the face. Like most pregnant women, the smell caused me to become nauseous which caused me to throw up in my mouth some.

When we got to the entrance, we noticed that not only were the walkers dead, but so was everything else in Atlanta. Ultimately, we all decided to take our chances else where, seeing that there was no hope here. As we were heading back to out vehicles Rick screamed to us that he saw a security camera move.

Even though that seemed a tad far fetched, Rick wasn't crazy so i stood my ground, hoping i wouldn't get carried away by Daryl. Shane on the other hand, tried to pull Rick away, saying the camera is automatic. No matter how hard Shane tried, Rick was stuck like superglue to that concrete.

Rick kept screaming that we had kids (one more on the way), and we just wanted a chance.

"YOU'RE KILLING US"! Those were the magic words. Shane finally pulled Rick away from the metal doors, when a loud bang occured, and blinding white lights appeared behind us.

I slowly turned around, completely shocked at what had just happened. Everyone exchanged looks, just as shocked as me, if not more. We all walked towards the once closed door, not prepared for what we might find inside. Cautiously, we all stepped inside in sync, until we heard a gun being cocked.

The voice of a middle-aged man could be heard, "What do you want"? His voice boomed off the walls of the empty room.

I looked around seeing nothing but a few stair cases. "A chance". Rick broke me from my thoughts.

The man said exactly what we were all probably thinking, "That's alot to ask these days".

The man, who we learned was named Dr.Edwin Jenner, said that we could all stay as long as we all took a blood test. But before he said this, he asked if any of us were bitten or scratched. Rick spoke up saying one of us were, but he didn't make it, oh Jim i miss you already.

We had all taken our blood tests, Andrea was last. As she got up from the chair, she almost fell to her knees. Jaqui spoke the truth saying that none of us have eaten in days.

"I think i can help with that". Everyone got excited, especially me, knowing i was eating for two.

All of us were sitting around a table, with food everywhere. I was totally pigging out. I saw Daryl take note of that, so i slowed down, not wanting him to figure out anything. Even though i was starving i continued this until someone spoke up.

"No offense doc, but we didn't come here for the wine. We came here for answers". Even though Shane spoke the truth, he could have said it a little nicer.

Shane presses on, "Where is everyone"!? This was honestly the loudest i've ever heard Shane speak

"Well, when things started to get bad everyone left to be with their families, or some chose to...opt out".

"What about the other doctors though? What about the person you were talking to...Vi"? I looked to Lori who asked a a very reasonable question.

Jenner looked down in shame, "Vi, say hello to our guests, tell out guests...welcome".

A robotic female voice came from all around us, "Hello guests, welcome".

Jenner, still looking down in shame spoke in a barely audible voice, "I'm all that's left".

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