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It was a day like any other for Kim Taehyung. His alarm beeped for the second time after he snoozed it. He groans as he smashes his hand on his alarm to shut it up. He sits up, looking at the time which currently reads 6:45am. He hastily gets out of his rather large bed and pads over to his huge washroom. He strips out of his clothes as he steps into calming, warm water which instantly wakes him up.

You could say Taehyung was extremely wealthy. He gets paid well doing his job as a business man for a world famous company run by none other than Kim Namjoon. He truly enjoyed his job. It was straightforward and he got payed a bunch so he didn't complain easily.

He turns off the faucet as he steps out of the shower, grabbing a near by towel and drying himself off. He leaves his dirty clothes on the washroom floor; the maid will take care of that. Yes, Taehyung has a maid. Other than that, he lives all by himself in a humongous house. A lot of people might think he's living everyone's fantasy to live in some fancy ass mansion, but Taehyung finds himself easily getting bored at home with no one to keep him company, so he often goes out.

He brushes his teeth and freshens up as he walks out of the washroom, back into his bedroom. He lets his towel slip off his body as he slides on a pair of black boxers before deciding on what to wear. He usually wears the same things every day; black dress pants, white button down, black tie and a black blazer depending on the weather. Today seems to be fairly warm so he decided against wearing a blazer. He slips his socks and expensive watch on and leaves his room while grabbing his briefcase on the way. He walks down the stairs, being greeted by his maid.

"Good morning Mr. Kim. Would you like any breakfast today?" She bows politely and asks. Taehyung thinks for a moment but then checks his watch. 7:30. He has to be in the office by 8:00 sharp, or else he'd ruin his reputation of never being late. "No thank you. I'm already running a bit late," he says, dismissing her while putting on a pair of shiny black dress shoes and heading out the door, briefcase in hand.

The weather seems to be gloomy today, small droplets of rain starting to fall from the heavy, dark clouds. He opens his garage automatically, and is greeted by his two expensive, shiny cars. One of them a sleek black Mercedes, and the other a shiny white BMW. He walks over to the black Mercedes and slides in with ease, while he starts the car and rolls out of the garage.

On his way to work, he stops by at a local Starbucks and buys four different coffees. One for himself, and one for his fellow business workers. He quickly leaves the Starbucks, careful to not get wet from the rain and speed walks back to his car.

The drive is not that far, only about a ten minute drive if the traffic is bearable. Taehyung drives the rest of the way with ease. He pulls into the parking lot of a big, fancy building. He quickly gets out of his car, grabbing his briefcase and the tray with the coffees and quickly walks over to the entrance. He settles his briefcase on the cement as he fumbles for his card. He pulls it out and scans it, and the door automatically opens for him. He grabs his suitcase and walks in the building, being greeted with a burst of cool air.

He walks past the busy office workers and heads to the elevator, opening just in time as he slips in, pressing the eighth floor. He patiently waits as other people exit the elevator to their desired floor. When the elevator stops at floor eight, he eagerly steps out of it, walking towards his cubicle, greeting everyone who's happening to walk past him.

On his way to his cubicle, he finds Jimin in his cubicle, door open, typing away furiously at his keyboard. Taehyung give his door a light knock, and Jimin snaps his attention away from his computer to Taehyung. "Good morning Jimin. Thought you might need a coffee," Taehyung says, walking in and placing a coffee onto Jimin's desk.

"Ah, yes. Thanks, I owe you one," he jokes as he immediately takes a sip of it, instantly calming down. Taehyung dismisses himself and walks over to the cubicle next to his own and knocks on it. It opens up and reveals one of his many 'friends' at the office.

"Good morning Taehyung. Is that coffee for me?" Jinyoung asks, eyeing the coffees hungrily. "Yes, yes. I bought two, one for you and one for Mark. I know he'll be coming over to you soon so just give it whenever you see him," Taehyung says, handing him two coffees. "Alright thanks, see you around Taehyung," the two of them bid goodbye and Taehyung finally makes his way to his own cubicle, unlocking the door and walking in. He settles his briefcase close to his desk as he takes a sip of his still warm coffee. Taehyung scrunches his nose at the too-bitter taste. Of course they forgot the sugar, they always forget the sugar.

He gets up and leaves his cubicle, heading towards the break room where they happen to have sugar, thank god. He walks in the break room and immediately spots the sugar. He takes two teaspoons and puts it into his coffee, mixing it around with the spoon. The break room has two couches, two fridges with food, cupboards and a television. On one of the couches, there sits one of the office's most laziest workers. He's fallen asleep, and it's not even his break time.

Taehyung walks over to the sleeping figure on the couch and flicks his forehead. "Yoongi, wake up." He gently shakes his shoulders, and his eyes finally snap open. He grunts in annoyance and stands up. Taehyung chuckles and leaves the break room, on his way back to his cubicle, coffee in hand.

As he's walking, observing everyone in their offices, a figure bumps right into him, causing a tiny bit of the coffee to spill onto Taehyung's white shirt, a small stain now occupying a space over his abdomen. "Shit," Taehyung mutters under his breath, attempting to wipe away the stain but failing miserably.

"Oh my God, sir I am so sorry," Taehyung looks up only to be greeted by a pair of brown orbs he didn't quite recognize.

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