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Taehyung's eyes slowly flutter open, being greeted by the bright rays of sun seeping through his silky white curtains. But that's not what made his heart almost leap out of his rib cage. It was the fact that Jungkook was pressed up against his side, his plump lips slightly parted, his hot breath brushing against Taehyung's neck. Jungkook's small arms were wrapped around Taehyung's bare waist, and Taehyung grins at the sight.

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Taehyung pries Jungkook's arms off of his body as carefully and as gently as he can, not wanting to disrupt the younger from his blissful sleep. Taehyung quietly gets up and off of his bed, trying not to make any noises. He rummages through his drawers and pulls out boxers, sweatpants and a t-shirt along with an extra towel, and sets it on the corner of the bed for Jungkook.

Taehyung quietly tiptoes to his bathroom, softly closing the door behind him and turns on the shower. He steps inside, washing his hair and lathering his body with his body wash before stepping out, grabbing a towel from the rack and drying most of the water off of his body. He then wraps the thin towel around his waist, walking out of the bathroom to be greeted by Jungkook stretching and yawning.

"Morning Jungkook," Taehyung says, walking over to the bed. Jungkook almost gasps as he sees Taehyung in nothing but a white towel hung loosely around his waist, his caramel skin glistening with water droplets and his wet hair matted onto his forehead. "Morning," he says quietly, and gets off the bed but realizes he's naked and squeals as he takes the sheets from the bed and wraps it around his body. "How'd you sleep last night? My bed wasn't uncomfortable, was it? And my snores, they didn't wake you up. Did they?" Taehyung asks, bombarding him with questions.

"No, Tae. I slept fine. Really well, actually. I haven't slept like that in a long time," Jungkook smiles, and Taehyung relaxes a bit at the younger's words. "Good- that's good. I left extra clothes with a towel," Taehyung points to the neatly folded pile on the edge of the bed. "You can go ahead and shower," Taehyung says, gesturing over to the bathroom.

Jungkook mumbles a small 'thanks' and takes the clothing, walking over to the bathroom. As Taehyung patiently waits for Jungkook to finish showering, he walks over to his drawers and pulls out a pair of clean boxers, sliding it on before walking over to his closet to pick out an outfit. Taehyung grabs a plain black t-shirt with black ripped skinny jeans.

Taehyung sits on the edge of the bed, and fifteen minutes later Jungkook finally walks out of the bathroom, wearing the extra clothes Taehyung gave him. The pants fit him perfectly, but the shirt was a bit oversized. Jungkook still seemed to pull it off, though. Taehyung liked how Jungkook appeared wearing his clothes.

"Let's go have breakfast, yeah?" Taehyung smiles, heading out of his bedroom and out into the massive hall. "Holy shit. Your place is huge," Jungkook gasps, taking in all the doors leading to different rooms. "Yeah, I guess..." Taehyung says, scratching the back of his neck. "And you live here all by yourself? Don't you get bored?" Jungkook asks, still looking around his house in amusement.

"Yeah, I get bored all the time. That's why I usually go out," Taehyung sighs, and he hears Jungkook's stomach growl loudly. "Come on, let's go eat," Taehyung chuckles, walking down the stairs with Jungkook behind him. They walk over to the kitchen, and Taehyung's maid greets the two of them. "Good morning Taehyung-ssi," she says, and bows politely. She looks over at Jungkook, and furrows her brows, not recognizing him. "Good morning. This is my, um friend. He stayed the night," Taehyung explains and the maid politely introduces herself to Jungkook.

"Could you make us some breakfast? Jungkook, what do you want to eat?" Taehyung asks, looking over at Jungkook who currently has his mouth open agape, staring forward in shock. "Uh-um, waffles?" He squeaks out and Taehyung chuckles. "Some waffles please, and I'll have some as well," Taehyung instructs, and the maid nods, getting to work.

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