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Jungkook's eyes slowly open, adjusting to the brightness of the morning sun shining through the curtains. A pair of strong arms are wrapped around his torso, holding onto him as if his life depended on it. Jungkook smiles at the sight of a sleeping Taehyung, pressed up against his body, parted lips emitting light snores. He looks so innocent while he's sleeping, almost unrecognizable.

Jungkook squirms a bit, attempting to slide out of Taehyung's grip but fails ultimately. Jungkook huffs as he gives up, relaxing into Taehyung's warm and welcoming body. Jungkook is deep in thought until he feels Taehyung's body slightly shift. "Morning," Taehyung says, his voice deeper than usual. Jungkook almost melts at the sound of Taehyung's raspy morning voice. "Hi," Jungkook replies, nuzzling into Taehyung's neck. Taehyung smiles, pulling Jungkook's body closer if that was even possible.

"How'd you sleep?" Taehyung asks, voice muffled from Jungkook's hair. "I slept fine," Jungkook responds. They cuddle in bed for another fifteen minutes before Jungkook sits up. "I have so much shit to do today." Jungkook groans and Taehyung chuckles. "Don't stress, we'll get everything done in time," Taehyung assures, getting up and going to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once he's done, he walks over to his closet and picks out something to wear.

When the two of them finish getting ready, they head downstairs, greeted by a welcoming and pleasant smell. "Good morning. I made breakfast for you two," Taehyung's maid greets them and Jungkook hums in pleasure as his eyes feast on a beautiful pile of pancakes. They walk over to the table, sitting down and having breakfast.

Once they finish, they get up and walk towards the door. "Can we go to the car dealership? I need to get a car. I can't keep depending on you," Jungkook says, slipping his shoes on. "Sure. We'll go right now," Taehyung says as they walk out the door and slide into Taehyung's car.

They drive for fifteen minutes or so until Taehyung pulls up in front of the dealership. The two walk out of the car, and head inside. "Welcome! How may I help you today?" I fairly tall man greeted the two. "Um, I'm just looking for a small, cheap car. Not much, just something to get me to and from work," Jungkook explains. "Ah, okay! My name is Youngjae, give me a shout if you need any help!" The man says, a little too over excitedly.

Taehyung and Jungkook walk around, examining all the cars. "This one seems nice, don't you think?" Taehyung gestures towards a small black car. Jungkook's eyes widen as he looks at the price. "No way," Jungkook chuckles, moving on. The boys spent a fair amount of time at the dealership, and Jungkook picked out a nice, small silver car. Jungkook spent at least an hour signing papers and contracts until he finally got the car.

"I finally got a car!" Jungkook exclaims, practically squealing like an fifth grader. Taehyung just chuckles as the two walk out of the dealership. "You up for some dinner?" Taehyung asks before they have to part ways since Jungkook now has his own car. Taehyung will miss riding with Jungkook every single day. "Yeah," Jungkook replies, his stomach grumbling.

They ended up having dinner at Taehyung's place. Taehyung of course had tried to convince Jungkook to stay the night but Jungkook stubbornly refused. He had spent the whole weekend there and besides, they have to go back to work the next day so there was no point.

Once Jungkook left Taehyung's house, Taehyung made his way up the stairs and into his bathroom, brushing his teeth before making his way to his bedroom. He strips off his clothing and literally jumps in his bed, getting comfortable in his sheets. The faint scent of Jungkook was still present on the sheets as Taehyung inhales the sweet scent. Taehyung already misses the presence of Jungkook's body pressed up against his. He wishes he could experience that feeling every single night.

Taehyung is deep in thought as his eyes close shut, and he soon gets pulled into darkness.

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