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"Oh my God, sir I am so sorry," Taehyung looks up only to be greeted by a pair of brown orbs he didn't quite recognize.

"I didn't mean to run into you like that, I was in a hurry! God, it's only my first day and here I am, already causing problems," he exclaims while groaning. Taehyung's features soften just a bit at the boy's words. He feels sympathy for him as Taehyung's first day wasn't all that great either.

"It's fine. I'll let it slip since its your first day," Taehyung says, forcing a smile. "Thank you. Sorry agai- oh! I have just the thing to fix up the stain on your shirt." He fumbles in his pants pocket and pulls out one of those sticks that clean stains in case of emergencies. He opens the lid and brings his hand awkwardly to Taehyung's abdomen where the stain is. Before he can start removing the stain, Taehyung pushes his hand away. "It's okay, I can do it myself." He says and the boy blushes in embarrassment.

Taehyung takes the stick from his hand and applies it to the stain on his shirt. It works pretty well, but the stain is still faintly visible. He hands the stick back to the boy. "Thanks. I'll be heading back now, see you around." Taehyung says as he turns on his heel, walking back to his cubicle.

He enters and sets his coffee onto his desk, turning on his computer. He is greeted with dozens of emails. This is how he always starts his day, opening his emails, reading them, and replying to them. This goes on for about forty minutes, and then he has to work on boring old paper work. He shuts off his computer and opens his briefcase and pulls out a big stack of papers that he needs to read over and edit.

He pulls out a pen to correct any mistakes and starts reading, taking sips of his coffee every now and then.

After an hour of reading and editing, he hears a light knock on his door. "Come in," he says out loud, and the door opens revealing Kim Seokjin who is Namjoon's personal assistant, and the guy from earlier who had bumped into him.

"Taehyung, this is our newest intern, Jeon Jungkook. He is here in order to gain work experience, and if he likes it here, we will hire him as a full time business worker. He works the same hours as you, but he isn't quite getting payed as much since he's only an intern." Seokjin explains, rambling on and on. "Namjoon has asked for you to show him around, and have him with you for his first week here. After that, we will give him his own cubicle. You are one of our companies best business men, don't let us down," he says.

Taehyung stops and thinks for a moment. "You're saying I have to keep him around me at all times, for one week?" Taehyung asks cautiously, and for the first time he observes Jungkook. He has dark, captivating brown eyes, flushed cheeks, a slim figure, dark brown hair that falls along his perfectly sculpted eyebrows, and soft, pink, plump lips. He looks oh so innocent, and not to mention, he is quite attractive.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Please be friendly to him. You don't want to scare him off on his first day, now, do you?" Seokjin chuckles nervously, giving Taehyung a warning glare. "Yes, yes. I understand, I will try my best. Hopefully he's not that much of a troublemaker." Taehyung jokes while Jungkook stands there awkwardly.

"Alright Jungkook, all you have to do it stay with Taehyung for the rest of this week, and observe what he does. Don't be afraid to ask any questions. You may also need to help him here and there, so just try your best." Seokjin explains, placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder to comfort him. "Yes, I'll try my best." Jungkook says, giving him one of his award winning, toothy smiles.

"Okay. I'll be heading back over to Namjoon. Good luck Jungkook, don't cause any troubles," Seokjin says jokingly, winking while walking away. Jungkook walks fully into Taehyung's cubicle and takes a seat on one of the spare chairs.

"So what do I do?" Jungkook asks while looking around. "Well, I was just finishing up some paperwork before you guys interrupted. I would like to continue and if you don't mind, you can help me out." Taehyung says, taking a small pile from his own and handing it to Jungkook along with a pen. "All you need to do is read over it and fix any mistakes before it gets mailed," Taehyung explains.

"That's it? Okay. That sounds easy," Jungkook says, already getting to work. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get your hopes up, kid," Taehyung says, while reading over his own stack of papers. He catches Jungkook staring at him every now and then.

After approximately an hour and a half of rummaging through paperwork with Jungkook, Taehyung sighs in relief. It's finally his break time. During his break he usually goes out for lunch with his fellow workers.

Taehyung and Jungkook hear a knock on the door before Jimin walks in. "Hey Taehyung, you up for lunch with Yoongi, Jinyoung and Mark?" He asks, like always. Taehyung thinks for a moment and hesitates because he has to be with Jungkook. He turns to him and raises his eyebrows. "You want to tag along?" Taehyung asks, waiting for his response.

"I d-don't know if I should," he replies. "Nonsense. You'll get bored out of your mind spending your break in here all alone," Taehyung says, convincing the latter to lighten up a bit. Jungkook stops and thinks before agreeing to accompany them to lunch.

"Alright. It's all set then," Taehyung says and gets up, motioning for Jungkook to follow him. He gets up and starts walking alongside Jimin and Jungkook. On their way, they pick up Yoongi, Jinyoung and Mark and the four of them exit the building and slide into Jimin's black van. "Guys, this is Jungkook, the new intern. I'm supposed to sort of train him for a week or so. He'll be joining us for lunch." Taehyung explains. They all nod and introduce each other to Jungkook politely.

"Where do you guys want to eat?" Jimin asks, starting the car. "I heard there's a new Korean place just across the street that recently opened. We should try that out," Jinyoung suggests while Yoongi rests his head on the seat and closes his eyes. Typical. "Korean it is then," Jimin says, pulling out of the massive parking lot and starts driving.

Five minutes later, Jimin pulls into a small parking lot in front of a Korean restaurant. They all exit Jimin's van and walk into the restaurant together. They approach the counter, each deciding on what to order. Each of them ordered something different. Jungkook went with some type of noodles, and Taehyung ordered kimchi fried rice.

All of them take their food and take their seat at a rather large table, Taehyung taking a seat in front of Jungkook. "Ah, this new restaurant isn't all that bad," Jinyoung hums in pleasure and all of them nod their head in agreement. Taehyung takes more bites out of his kimchi and almost moans at the delicious taste it leaves his mouth with. Taehyung keeps catching Jungkook stare at him in between his bites, making him slightly uncomfortable. He doesn't know why Jungkook keeps staring at him, but I mean he couldn't help that he's extremely attractive and he apparently can't take his eyes off of him.

"Alright, is everyone finished? We should start heading back to the office soon," Jimin suggests and everyone finishes up, wiping their mouths with a napkin, and getting up and leaving the restaurant. They entered Jimin's van once again, heading back towards the office.

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