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It's been approximately two hours since the incident happened. Taehyung felt terrible. Jungkook probably thinks he's an asshole, and that Taehyung was using him. He's searched the whole building, he tried looking in his cubicle but Jungkook wasn't there. Taehyung checked the washroom, but he wasn't there. He even checked the break room, printer room, and even asked Seokjin for help but Jungkook was nowhere to be found.

It is currently 8:50pm and Taehyung was packing up to leave the office. He shoves random papers into his briefcase, shutting it closed and heading out of his cubicle. Once he exits the building, he checks the parking lot to see if Jungkook's car was there; it wasn't. Taehyung hastily gets inside his own car and starts it, speeding through the traffic and pulling onto his driveway.

The evening passed by quickly. He didn't even bother having dinner, he couldn't even think straight. He stares at the ceiling, eyes wide open. He grabs his cellphone from his nightstand, switching it on, deciding to text Jungkook an apology of some sort.

Taehyung: Jungkook, I'm sorry. It isn't what it looked like, trust me. Please

Taehyung waits and waits for Jungkook's response but he gets none.

Taehyung: Jungkook please, let me explain

Taehyung attempts to call Jungkook multiple times but Jungkook wouldn't pick up. Taehyung ends up leaving a hundred different voicemails.

Taehyung: Listen to me Jungkook. I love you.

Message failed to send.

Taehyung sighs in frustration, closing his eyes in an attempt to sleep. His mind keeps wandering off to Jungkook. They're not even dating, why does Taehyung feel so guilty?

Taehyung tosses and turns for an hour, before crying out in frustration. He sinks his head in his pillow, screaming into it as tears start flowing non-stop. He doesn't know why he feels like this, he doesn't know his feelings for Jungkook, doesn't know what to do. He closes his eyes for the last time as sleep takes over his body, and finally he drifts off into a light slumber.


The weekend passed by surprisingly fast. Jungkook was currently curled up in a ball on his small bed, not ready to get up and go to work. Why does he feel this way towards Taehyung? He knows he's not the only one. He just possibly can't be the only one who feels this way. Jungkook knows him and Taehyung had something. He doesn't know anymore, though.

He lets out a frustrated sigh as he gets up, entering his small bathroom and stepping into the shower in an attempt to calm himself down. Once he's finished, he steps out and dries himself off before lazily picking out an outfit.

He leaves his bedroom, grabbing an apple from his cramped kitchen and slipping out the door and into his car. Yes, he's been ignoring Taehyung for the past couple of days. He doesn't want to hear what he has to say, apology or not; he caught him making out with some guy.

Jungkook would be lying if he said it didn't hurt. Every time Taehyung called, Jungkook would almost, almost pick up the phone, he wanted to hear his deep, velvety voice begging for another chance, but he had to fight against it. Jungkook was too naïve and he had to change that.


The week flew by incredibly slow for Taehyung and it was already Friday. Exactly one week had passed since Jungkook walked in on him and Taemin. Jungkook had been ignoring Taehyung like the plague for the whole week. Every time Taehyung and Jungkook would walk past each other, Jungkook would give him a glare and then quickly walk the opposite way. Taehyung was hopeless, and Jungkook was stubborn as fuck.

Taehyung was getting ready to exit the building, sighing in frustration as he steps out of the empty elevator and out the building. Just as Taehyung was walking towards his car, briefcase in hand, he just so happened to walk past an angry looking Jungkook in his car. Taehyung watches as Jungkook attempts to start his car, but fails miserably as he starts to pull at his hair in annoyance.

Taehyung walks over to Jungkook's car, quietly tapping on his window to get his attention. Taehyung frowns when Jungkook's head snaps up, glaring at Taehyung in annoyance. But there was a glint of something else in his brown orbs. Hurt. Taehyung could tell Jungkook was hurt and Taehyung hated himself for being the reason behind it.

"Jungkook, please open your door," Taehyung yells as he feels a wet drop on his forehead. He looks up as it starts raining. Jungkook rolls his window down. "What the hell do you want, Taehyung?" Jungkook snaps and Taehyung flinches. "Your car doesn't work..." Taehyung states pathetically. "Yeah no shit," Jungkook says and sighs.

"I can give you a ride," Taehyung suggests, as the rain gets heavier but he doesn't give a shit. "No. I'll just take a bus," Jungkook says, huffing. "Jungkook, you'll get soaked waiting for the bus. Just let me drive you home," Taehyung pleads. "Fine." Jungkook says, sighing in annoyance as he gets out of his car and follows Taehyung to his. Taehyung is soaking wet from standing in the rain.

Taehyung enters his car and so does Jungkook. Taehyung starts to drive, the atmosphere eerily silent, the only sound heard was the sound of the heavy rain splattering on the car windows. Taehyung lets out a deep breath. "Jungkook, please listen to me," Taehyung begs, his eyes still glued on the road. "Taehyung, you don't need to fucking explain. I saw what I saw, are you telling me I'm going crazy and hallucinating?" Jungkook yells out and Taehyung bites his lip hard.

"No, you're right. But he kissed me, Jungkook. You have to believe me. I wouldn't hurt you, not after all the shit you've been through. I can't bare to hurt you," Taehyung breathes out, and Jungkook stays silent, contemplating on whether or not he should believe Taehyung's desperate words.

Taehyung pulls up in front of Jungkook's building and Jungkook has his hand on the door, ready to leave without a word. But Taehyung grabs Jungkook's arm, stopping him from leaving. "Jungkook, hear me out. P-please.." Taehyung's voice breaks, and Jungkook can't help but to listen. "The guy you saw, that was T-Taemin, he's my ex. I was supposed to interview him but things got out of hand, and he practically threw himself at me," Taehyung rambles on and Jungkook takes a deep breath in, eyes locked on Taehyung.

"I swear, I tried pushing him off but he was too strong," Taehyung explains. "Just give me a chance, Jungkook, I promise I won't let you down." Taehyung says, a tear managing to escape the corner of his eye. Taehyung has a small slither of hope as he sees conflict in Jungkook's eyes.

"Taehyung, I c-can't..." He says, frowning. "Please, Jungkook. Please." Taehyung says, voice desperate and hushed. "Jungkook, I...I l-love you," Taehyung says, voice cracking at his own words. Jungkook's head snaps up in surprise, moisture collecting in his piercing brown eyes.

"Wh-what?" Jungkook says in disbelief, mouth open in surprise. "I said I love you." Taehyung says, voice holding much more power this time as he bites his lip, awaiting for another reaction. Taehyung watches as Jungkook fumbles to unbuckle his seatbelt, and practically jumps onto Taehyung.

Jungkook makes himself comfortable on Taehyung's lap, his back pressed up against the steering wheel, a loud honk is heard but Jungkook is too caught up in the moment to care. He brings his hands up to Taehyung's wet cheeks and cups it, bringing his own face close to his. Taehyung watches Jungkook in surprise as he connects their lips together in a strong, passionate kiss. Taehyung missed this, he's missed the feeling of Jungkook's body pressed up against his; the feeling of Jungkook's soft lips smushed against his own. He missed the way Jungkook's tongue felt sliding against his, the way he'd let out soft pants.

Taehyung could taste the saltiness of his own tears against Jungkook's warm lips. They pull back, and Taehyung watches as a tear rolls down Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook leans down and presses one more lingering kiss onto Taehyung's lips.

"I love you too, Tae."

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