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As Taehyung peacefully drives home, his mind is clouded by thoughts of the younger brunet. He reaches over and turns the radio a bit louder, mindlessly humming along with whatever tune it was currently playing. He takes a sharp turn and pulls into the driveway of his house, perfectly parking his car in the garage and walking over to his porch. He stuffs his hand in his pocket, pulling out his house keys before unlocking he door and walking inside to be greeted by a pleasing aroma. He hums in pleasure and settles his briefcase down and slips his dress shoes off.

Taehyung walks over to his kitchen, greeting his maid. "Good evening Taehyung-ssi. I made some dinner for you," she bows politely and gestures to the table that's all set up, a plate of what looks like pasta waiting for Taehyung to devour it. He almost drools at the sight. "Thank you very much." He thanks the maid and walks over to the table, sitting down and wasting no time as he digs into the dish and takes bite after bite. He's lucky to have such a wonderful maid who cooks oh so very well, and cleans all his messes. She does get paid very well so he can't really blame her.

Taehyung quickly finishes the pasta and picks it up, putting the dirty dish in the sink for the maid to clean. "That was very delicious," Taehyung says, smiling at the maid. "I'm glad you liked it, Taehyung-ssi." She says. Taehyung dismisses himself from her and heads up the stairs and into his bedroom. He strips out of his clothes, leaving him in his boxers. He heads towards his bathroom, doing his business and brushing his teeth afterwards. He walks out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom, while he gets his bed ready to sleep in.

He removes the accessory pillows, and lays down onto his rather large king-sized bed as he breathes in the wonderful scent of newly washed sheets. He momentarily closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling a little too much. He lays in bed, tossing and turning every five minutes, mind filled with thoughts of Jungkook and what he's doing right now. He lays wide awake in bed before deciding he can't quite sleep just yet and looks at the time which reads 11:30pm.

He grabs his phone from the nightstand and switches it on, going through his contacts until he finds Jungkook's name. He starts typing, debating on whether he should even text him this late or not. He clicks send before he decides against it.

Taehyung: hey

Taehyung: are you awake?

He sets his phone down beside him, waiting for Jungkook to reply. What if he's asleep? He already feels regret seeping through as his phone stays silent. Less than thirty seconds later, Taehyung sees his phone light up and vibrate. He quickly grabs it, and unlocks it.

Jungkook: yeah, I'm awake

Jungkook: can't sleep

Taehyung: same.

Jungkook: um not to be rude but why'd u text me?

Taehyung: I don't know. I was bored, so the idea popped in my mind

Jungkook: oh, okay

Taehyung: oh and btw, you have a nice ass ;)

Fuck. He regrets sending that message as soon as he sent it. They just met today and he's already complementing his ass. Taehyung's worry grows as his phone stays silent for the next few minutes but then lights up once again.

Jungkook: um thanks..

Taehyung: I'm going to sleep now. Night Jungkook.

Taehyung doesn't wait for a response as he puts his phone back onto his night stand and closes his eyes, drifting off to a deep slumber.

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