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Beep beep beep!

Taehyung groans at the sound of his alarm clock, slapping his hand on it and closing his eyes, attempting to go back to sleep.

Half an hour later, his alarm goes off again, waking him up fully this time. "Fuck. I slept in," Taehyung mutters under his breath, jumping off his bed and hurriedly running to the bathroom to brush his teeth. There's absolutely no time for a shower this morning so he runs his fingers through his hair, fixing it up before walking back into his bedroom.

He puts on his usual work clothes as he fixes his hair one last time and sprays some cologne on. He runs down the stairs as fast as his legs could manage. "Good morn-" "Sorry! I'm running very late right now," Taehyung cuts his maid off, sliding his shoes on and slipping out the door. He gets into his car and starts it. He speeds his way past all the cars, and sighs in relief when he pulls into the parking lot of the office, with only five minutes to spare.

Taehyung huffs as he exits his car and walks towards the entrance, scanning his card and walking inside. He feels empty without his briefcase as he steps inside the elevator. Jungkook is probably already here. When the elevator stops at the eighth floor, Taehyung steps out and greets everyone in the way to his cubicle. Taehyung walks past his cubicle and examines the one behind his, door closed.

He smiles when he sees a small sign that reads Jeon Jungkook placed on the door. Having their cubicles side by side will be convenient in the future. Taehyung makes his way to his own cubicle, unlocking it and walking over to his desk to sit down.

The day goes by painfully slow for both Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung hadn't seen Jungkook for the entire day. He knows it sounds pathetic but he misses having Jungkook in the same room as him the whole day, following him around everywhere.

Once break time hits, Taehyung quickly exits his cubicle and knocks on Jungkook's door. "Come in!" Taehyung recognizes Jungkook's voice from the other side and he slowly opens the door, peeking inside. Jungkook has his head in his hands, muttering inaudible phrases. Taehyung walks in, closing the door behind him. "Jungkook? What's wrong?" Taehyung says, taking a seat on the empty chair.

Jungkook's head snaps up as he hears Taehyung's voice. "Wha-? Oh, I'm just stressed. Seokjin asked me to write some type of report, and everything's just new here, you know?" Jungkook explains, huffing out in frustration. "Don't stress, it'll just make things worse." Taehyung says, scooting slightly closer. "Maybe you need to relieve some stress, hmm?" Taehyung purrs, getting up and sliding into Jungkook's lap.

"Tae, we can't do it in here. What if someone catches us?" Jungkook says worriedly. "Shh, baby. No one will catch us, I locked the door." Taehyung whispers, wrapping his fingers in Jungkook's black locks as he leans forward and captures Jungkook's lips in a hot, steamy kiss. Their lips moving together fiercely, their lower regions pressed up against one another. Jungkook's hands make their way on Taehyung's hips to keep him from falling backwards.

Taehyung drags Jungkook's lower lip with his teeth as he pulls back, both of them a panting mess. Taehyung checks his watch. "We have fifteen minutes until break time ends. That's more than enough time," Taehyung smirks, slowly getting off Jungkook's lap and onto his knees, in front of Jungkook. Jungkook's breath hitches in his throat as Taehyung's fingers struggle with the zipper of Jungkook's pants. When he finally slides it down along with his boxers, Taehyung wraps his fingers around Jungkook's cock, stroking it up and down.

Taehyung then takes Jungkook's cock right into his mouth, his tongue curling around the tip, causing Jungkook's back to arch off the chair, letting out soft panting moans as Taehyung continues his ministrations. Taehyung's hand was holding onto Jungkook's hip as he continues to suck him off, and his other hand was wrapped around the base of his cock, stroking what he couldn't fit in his mouth.

Taehyung's tongue flattens against Jungkook's length, eyes slipping shut as he relaxes his throat, swallowing Jungkook all the way to the root, slowly licking around him.

"Fuck, Tae," Jungkook hisses, as he involuntarily snaps his hips forward to create more friction. Taehyung looks up at Jungkook, his eyes screwed shut in pleasure as he lets out a string of lewd moans. "Nngh- fuck, I'm g-gonna come," Jungkook groans, continuing to rock his hips forward. When Jungkook feels his cock hit the back of Taehyung's throat, heat pools in his stomach as he releases all over Taehyung's mouth.

Jungkook watches as Taehyung swallows all of it, even licking his lips afterwards. Taehyung brings Jungkook's pants back up, zipping it for him as he stands up, smirking. "There. Are you still stressed?" Taehyung grins, pecking Jungkook on the corner of his mouth. "Not necessarily..." Jungkook replies. "Good." Taehyung says, walking over to the door.

"Break time's over. I'd better go. Thanks for lunch," Taehyung winks and slides out the door, leaving a speechless Jungkook behind. Taehyung walks towards the bathroom to wash his hands. When he steps in, he hears shuffling followed by some moaning and heavy breathing.

Taehyung immediately recognizes the high pitched voice as Jimin's. "Shut the fuck up, Jimin. Do you want the whole office to find out?" Another voice growls from behind the stall and he easily recognizes that one as Yoongi's raspy ass voice. Gross. Taehyung scrunches his nose and washes his hands quickly before heading back to his cubicle.

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