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The rest of the week passed by dreadfully slow for both Taehyung and Jungkook. They barely got to see each other, except for their break and after-hours. It was already Friday, and Taehyung was happy the weekend was finally coming.

Taehyung snaps his head as he hears a knock on his door. "Come in!" He shouts, and the door opens, revealing Seokjin. "Hey, Taehyung." Seokjin greets. "We are in desperate need of new employees, so we have a bunch of people who are ready to get interviewed in the next hour or so." Seokjin explains, handing a file to Taehyung. "Frankly, there are too many people so I need you to interview two of them, the interview shouldn't drag out to be that long. Just ask them the questions in the booklet, and if you believe they have at least a bit of potential, put a star on the front of their file." Seokjin says.

"Alright, I can do that," Taehyung nods and Seokjin thanks him before closing his door and leaving. Taehyung opens the folder, checking out the profiles. The first one was a girl named Kim Jisoo, and apparently she's twenty-one years old.

As Taehyung opens the second file, his mouth drops open and his face grows pale as he reads the name on the front of the folder. Lee Taemin. Shit. Taehyung starts to grow nervous as he reads over the name fifteen times, making sure he's not hallucinating.

Taehyung prays that it's a different Lee Taemin, and not his ex. Taehyung isn't the one to get into relationships that easily. Taemin was one of his first real relationships, back when Taehyung was only eighteen years old. They met at high school, and it was a typical cliché relationship like all the others. Taehyung was the nerd, Taemin was the popular football player, Taehyung ultimately fell for Taemin's incredibly good looks.

Taemin had asked Taehyung out, and they actually made it pretty far. But as soon as Taemin got into his pants, he had dumped Taehyung the next day. After that, Taehyung didn't bother with relationships; only one-night stands. Until now. Until Jungkook.

Taehyung hears a light knock on the door and he starts hyperventilating. "C-come in!" He manages to stutter out, and the door opens to reveal a short, black-haired girl. Taehyung lets out a sigh of relief as he relaxes. "Hi, you must be Kim Jisoo," Taehyung musters a welcoming smile, gesturing the girl over to take a seat in front of him. "Um- yeah. That's me," she replies. Taehyung could see her nervously shaking from the corner of his eye.

"You can relax," Taehyung chuckles and the girl worriedly looks around. "So, why do you want this job?" Taehyung asks, looking over at the girl. "Well, uh, I've recently applied for many jobs and um, none of them took me in so, here I am," she forces a smile and nervously taps on the chair with her fingers.

Taehyung spends half an hour interviewing the girl. She didn't necessarily give the best answers, and she was way too shy and nervous. "Okay. Thank you for coming. We'll notify you if you got the job," Taehyung says, bidding goodbye as the girl leaves.

Taehyung sits there, nervously tapping his foot on the ground while biting his nails, as a habit. He tries convincing himself that it's not the same Lee Taemin he knew back then, there's tons of people with the name Lee Taemin, right? Taehyung slowly breathes in and out, attempting to calm himself down.

Ten minutes later, Taehyung has finally calmed down a bit. Until he hears soft knocks on the door. "Fuck." Taehyung mutters under his breath. "Come in!" He manages to yell out, but it comes out weak and broken. The door slowly opens to reveal a handsome man with dark coloured hair and plump lips. Definitely Lee Taemin.

"Hi. You must be here for y-your interview," Taehyung says, attempting to sound as confident as he possible can. "Ah, yes." Taemin replies, but he furrows his eyebrows as he scans over Taehyung's face, and then body. "Taehyung?" He says in disbelief, eyes widening. "Y-Yeah..." Taehyung manages to squeak out.

Taemin walks fully in, shutting the door behind him and taking a seat directly in front of Taehyung. Taehyung lets out a breath he'd been holding since Taemin walked in. "So- um, why do you want the job?" Taehyung says, reading off the paper Seokjin gave him. "Well, I believe that I am very experienced with office work, and now that I know you work here," Taemin smirks, "I guess that's just another reason why I'd love to work here," he says, giving Taehyung a breathtaking smile.

Taehyung asks a few more questions and about a half hour later, he finished. "Okay, thank you for applying. We'll contact you to let you know if you got the job," Taehyung says, trying to keep his voice as steady as possible. "Oh, but I don't want to leave just yet," Taemin says, a smirk playing on the corner of his lips. "A little too soon, don't you think?" He asks, slowly standing up and walking towards Taehyung.

Taehyung gulps as Taemin hovers over him, bringing a hand up to his cheek. "Wh-what are you doing?" Taehyung whispers, trying to move, push him, scream, anything. He doesn't want this, does he? "Shh, it's okay," Taemin says, connecting his lips with Taehyung's trembling ones. Taehyung even kisses back for two seconds before he realizes that this is completely and utterly wrong.

Jungkook pops into his head and he tries pushing Taemin off of him but he wouldn't budge. He can feel Taemin's tongue trying to pry open his mouth, but Taehyung isn't willing to give in.

Suddenly, the door clicks open but Taemin still doesn't move. "Hey, Tae. I brought the papers for y-" Jungkook's words were caught in his throat as he took in the scene in front of him. Taehyung pressed up against his chair while some guy had his lips connected with Taehyung's. Jungkook's face grows pale and his mouth drops open as a stray tear rolls down his cheek. The paper that was in his hands dropped with a light thud to the ground.

Taehyung musters all the strength he has to push Taemin off of him. "Get the fuck out!" Taehyung yells at Taemin, and he flinches at the volume of his own words. "Jungkook, this isn't what it looks like," Taehyung says, but Jungkook doesn't care. He turns around and runs. He doesn't know where he's running to, or who he's running too. All he knows is that he needs to get the fuck away from Taehyung.

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