Chapter 2

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Twilights P.O.V
As we flew through the sky I had a lot of time to think over what's happening.
I've left ponyville for a year.
Unless they can visit I won't see my friends for a year.
I sighed as I saw Canterlot castle approach.
I've really left. For a year.
The carriage landed and I jumped off after spike and walked up to meet princess Celestia. Luna and Cadence were sitting by her side, waiting for my arrival.
"Ah Twilight, your here, we can begin."
I nodded and followed them through the door into the meeting room and sat down at my designated chair.
I walked out of the room yawning and turned to go to my suite.
As I entered it, I immediately got ready for bed, lay down under the fresh covers and pulled out a book.
Daring Do and the sapphire stone, I immediately thought of rainbow dash and remembered. Shaking my head I put it back and got out another one. What was wrong with me? Why was I acting so strange? Probably just because I already missed them. I settled down into the pillows and I read until I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
"Good morning" I yawned.
Spike put down his magazine.
"Your awake!" He said, "and you went to bed pretty early, I guess that meeting was very tiring." He lifted his magazine up and started reading again.
"And by the way cadence came in and said you have a meeting at half nine."
My head lifted up to the clock and it read twenty past nine.
"WHAT!" I yelled "HALF NINE!" I flew out of bed and into the on suite bathroom and began to spray my face with water. I flew over to a cupboard and grabbed some bread.
"I don't have time to get ready!" I said as I flung it into the toaster. Spike watched me looking a bit guilty.
"Should I have woken you up then?" I trotted over to him.
"It's fine spike, I'll manage" I said they flew up and crashed into a wall. "I hope".
I walked into the meeting room ten minutes late.
"I'm so so so sorry I'm late I ju-"
"It's fine twilight, we aren't on too strict of a schedule here" cadence said to me and smiled. She was always so nice to every pony, I guess that's why she is the princess of love. I sat down in my seat and sighed, another day, another meeting."
Celestia picked up a pile of paper and began to talk. Rainbow dash would have hated these meetings more than I do, I smiled at myself. Wait why am I thinking of Rainbow dash? I'm supposed to be paying attention and I don't usually drift off or get side tracked.
"Twilight?" Celestia said. I snapped out of my trance and looked up. "Would you like some coffee or something? You seem to be a little asleep still.
"Yeah I am" I turned to spike who just walking past the door. "Spike!" I yelled. "Can I have some coffee please?" He looked at me and smiled as he ran off, obviously knowing that I was still half asleep. Celestia quickly recapped what she was saying so I would be on the same page as them, before she carried on with her long talk of the issues. I got more interesting when Luna chimed in with some details. Not that the details were more interesting, just a different voice to listen to. I was relived when spike brought me my large coffee, but slightly embarrassed at the size of it. I could see spike smiling as he walked out and I rolled my eyes at him. At least it would be easier to pay attention to what everyone is saying with come caffeine to keep me awake.
"Alright everyone", Celestia said as she stacked all the paperwork, "time for lunch, and I think we've covered everything we need to for today, so you can do whatever you want for the whole afternoon." Thank goodness! I could do with some relaxing reading. I chucked to myself as i thought of how rainbow dash would have forced me to go for a fly with her and call me an egghead for wanting to read. Ugh! What is wrong with me why do I keep thinking of rainbow dash! I know I miss her like the rest of them but why do my thoughts always drift to her?
"You okay twilight?" I heard cadence say, making me snap back into reality. I then realised I wasn't walking, I was just standing in the middle of the hallway.
"Yeah I'm fine!" I replied and gave her a smile to reassure her before I turned away towards lunch.
What's wrong with twilight!?
Read more when they come out to see, and leave your ideas and thoughts on the story in the comments, I like to know how you guys feel.
See you in the next chapter!

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