390 28 21

brenboobie: yo yo yo

brenboobie: ryan

brenboobie: fat ass

brenboobie: nigga

ry:don't call me that

brenboobie: call you what

ry: (whispers) the n word

brenboobie:what? nigga?

ry:yes don't call me that

brenboobie:but why

ry:because it's a potty word

ry:you are a potty mouth

brenboobie:no im not your a lame ass nigga smh

ry:potty mouth


ry:potty mouth

brenboobie:stop i kill u

ry:  p o t t y     m o u t h

brenboobie:fine jesus fucking Christ

ry:you will not use that filthy potty mouth in my presence

brenboobie:you don't mind when i use my filthy potty mouth on your cock now do ya


brenboobie:0 to 100 nigga real quick

brenboobie:but anyways what i was gonna tell you is that i met a girl


brenboobie:yea 😎😎😎😎😎

ry:that's very heterosexual of you

brenboobie:met her the day you called about dots,she's a gr8 frendm8

ry:am i not a great frendm8

ry:are you cheating on me because im not a good enough frendm8

brenboobie:your my main hoe id never betray you 🖐🏻😱💖💖💖

ry:better not


brenboobie:   !!!!!

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