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"hey.what's up,bren?"

"today is valentine's day."

"yes,i know this."

"i'm gonna fucking die."

"why's that?"

"because i forgot about it."

"oh shit."


"you're fucked,kiddo."

"what should i do?

"shit if i know,dude."

"like,i managed to dodge sarah's texts for now.i haven't gotten her a present yet- i'm honestly fucked."

"i have no idea what to do but all i can think of is that you should really go get her a fucking present before she sends out someone to snipe you."

"yea,i'll go do that.thanks pete."

"no prob,but why didn't you ask ry? like,i mean,i don't mind at all,y'know?its since you guys talk twenty four seven and he's usually your main hoe for this kind of stuff."

"yea,i know what you mean."

"how is he,by the way?"

"oh he's great."

"ok that's good."

"i called you because well..."

"its just that...i...i'm getting him something,too."

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