Chapter 1 - Zekith Ra

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The sky was a vibrant blue as a clean and fresh breeze sweeped through a small village in a valley at the base of a mountain. A group of youths were training in the fields outside of this village. The bunch were separated into three small groups. This separation was based on rank but it mostly correlated with age. The three groups are as followed. First ranked Warriors, fledgling Novices, and finally the weakest group the Worms. There wasn't any strict bylaws which made these groups divide in such a way. The truth of the matter was simple and easy to understand. Everyone there was desperately trying to improve themselves and only by working hard with like minded people whom also strove for greatness like yourself could you broaden your horizon and elevate.

A man standing over 6 foot tall with broad bear sized shoulders and charcoal stone like expression. His imposing figure also displayed a square chiseled chin with complimented his seemingly dark dissipation. He sat on a nearby stump watching this young generation train. He was a highly respected rank 7 warrior assigned to protect Ra village. "A warrior must always remember that his life doesn't belong to himself alone. With a responsibility and duty to protect his friends, family, and kingdom. One must know that the sacrifices that we are making today are ensuring the safety of our loved ones tomorrow. Thus we strive to excell and become a high ranking warrior to make that dream come true." he bellowed and all the kids in the field felt the blood begin to boil as they looked to this warrior with worshipful gazes. To them this rank 7 warrior as akin to a god.

Of the three groups of training youths the 7th ranked warriors eye kept drifting over to peer at a particular Worm. Worms meaning absolute beginners who usually start training at the age of 6 or 7 years old. They usually have little to no ability and will train their bodies until a strand of body energy could be detected. At which point they will become a Novice. Novice children have established a small strain of body energy and will train to utilize this strain of energy throughout their bodies. If they can accomplish this they will officially reach the threshold of being a 1st ranked warrior.

There was a general order to this method of training. Everything usually went smoothly with the kids progressing at a predictable rate. Yet, currently this mans attention was on a Worm. Who actually was in the process of challenging the current strongest Novice in a test of endurance on the wooden beams.

The sun was beaming as scorching rays of light bogged down onto the bodies of the training youth of Ra village. A little stocky bronz toned Worm who couldn't be any older than 7 years old was challenging a tall 11 year old Novice with broad shoulders. Whom also happened to be half a step to the title of 1st ranked Warrior.

The challenge was taking place on the 15 foot wooden beams. They stuck up from the ground at irregular intervals. There were about 100 poles in a 500 foot rectangular space. Sweat the size of beans dropped down the boys faces as they endured. They both recieved support from they perspective groups, but the little Worm was getting the most attention. This was because this Worm was able to match and exceed the level of endurance of a while level above his own. Originally this was a test of endurance for all Novice and Worms. However, surprisungly this Worm level boy was competing equally with the strongest of the Novice level youth.

"Keep it up Zekith!" A Worm level girl shouted passionately. As she gave her support to the small boy.

"Kinta...You better not lose!" A boy from the Novice level sneered. Obviously, he was looking down on the small boy. A few people on the Novice side who were able to hear this boys words all had very dark expressions. One could see that they put some impotance to this endurance test and didn't want to lose.

At this time an Elderly Woman appeared on a nearby hill. She was looking at the two boys battle it out in a test of endurance. A slight smile could be seen as her mouth curved upward. The 7th ranked warrior noticed her and within a few strides he was buy her side. "Gettings Matriarch." he soluted and bowed.

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