Chapter 7 - A New Goal

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Ren was staring at the strange letters with glowing eyes. She then said to Zekith. "This device is used to determine how much potential one has in commanding an element. In other words this is a Majin device. Do you know what a Majin is?" Ren finally took her eyes off of those strange words and looked deathly seriously at Zekith.

Zekith had never heard the word 'Majin' before so vigorously shook his head no. Indicating that he didn't know.

Ren scoffed at Zekith then said. "You're this old and no-one has taught you anything?" Disdain was clearly visible on her face. "Fine, this is also a type of destiny or fate. I will become your teacher. I will ask you one more time. Do you have the will to become a Majin?" Ren eyes were sharp like a hawk stalking its pray.

Zekith inwardly shook. Majin was a term he had never heard before. Even with Ren not explaining it in any detail. Zekith could tell that a Majin was something extraordinary. Something told him that everything in his life was going to change after this moment. Therefore he looked at Ren and spoke.

"I feel that this thing called a Majin. Is something that is amazing. I believe that this Majin thing is something that is on par with the most powerful expert that have reached Saint level. If you could turn me into a figure my family would be proud of then I will gladly except you as my teacher Ms. Ren." Zekith smiled after he was finished speaking. It was a genuine smile without any falsehoods.

Ren smiled. "Good. From today onward you are my apprentice. Let me first say that I am from the distant past. With that being said my knowlegde of Majin is deeply rooted in the elements. My specialty is in the element of Earth. When looking at this chart of your natural abilities in wielding the elements." Ren turned to look at the chart that was now starting to fade. "It clearly states that you have exceptional affinity to the Earth and Fire elements. Average affinity to Wind and a low affinity to the Water element."

"So this sphere tests my blood to see if and what element I could control as a Majin." Zekith's eyes began to glitter. Then he suddenly frownd. Is this why my Aunt Pol asked me to come to this room? Some dots were starting to connect in his mind.

"That is precisely what this sphere does."

At that moment the words above the sphere completely faded away. The Fortunes Affinity sphere flushed and went back to normal. Zekith left the room.

Above Ra Village***

Scarlett and Black Cross were hunched over and breathing heavily.  There clothing was tattered and torn. Each sustaining multiple wounds. Emerald was not much better. His hair was unkempt and his clothing seemed to be covered in char marks. His eyes burned with a deep hatred as her stared daggers at his two opponents.

These detestable fiends from the Eternal Night Ascension. Waited until I acquired this Moon stone before attacking. Meaning I was already at a disadvantage before the fight even begun. Emerald was absolutely pissed. Because he knew that he was short on power. With his current strength he could muster up one final attack. "If this doesn't work then Imma goner for sure." Majin Saint Emerald threw his head back and roared as he stared to rapidly gather energy together for one final attack.

"Scarlett what do you think? This old decrypted bone walker is actually put up quite the fight."

"Yeah but out looks like he's just about finished. Granted he did last for this long, but his fate today is to die." Those sharp hawk eyes were still glued to her pray.

"His energy is surging. This is definitely his last ditch effort in hopes of surviving. Let's crush him!" Black Cross swooped in.

"Hah!" She laughed in approval and followed suit.

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