Chapter 6 - The will to be a Majin

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"Right now your conscious has entered this Room of Tranquility. A training room of sorts. But, currently with your skills this is the only place you can enter."

"That means that there are other places for my to visit." Zekith had hope written on his face.

"You wish!" Ren immediately shut him down. "Your life was just saved. So learn you place and act accordingly."

Zekith was stunned. "Saved? My life was? When? How?" He racked his brain thinking about what happened before coming to this strange room. Soon the light of comprehension dawned on his face.

I was hit on the head with a heavy and sharp object knocking me unconscious. But, apparently I was almost killed from the impact and was saved by this woman. So logically speaking I should be greatful to her. But, there has to be a reason why Ms. Ren has brought here. I need further information.

Hurriedly after thinking things over. Zekith practically jumped out of his seat. He stood in front of Ren and bowed deeply. "I've thought about what you have said and I am extremely grateful. However, you called this the 'Room of Tranquility' right? You also said that my consciousness is here. That means my body is still within the ' Fortunes Affinity' room. Am I correct? Therefore, it can be deducted that though my abilities are lacking. I AM of some use to you. Which is why I'm here."

Although Zekith kept his head down as he spoke. He was very sure of his line of thinking. So he spoke with clarity and resolution.

Ren was slightly taken aback by this young man. Whom was still bowing before her. Never would I have imagined to be able to cross paths with such a youth. Her first impression of this young man was quite good.

"Lift your head and have a seat."

Ren waited for Zekith to sit down. Her face was emotionless as she stared into his eyes. As a ancient domineering aura radiated off of her. Zekith involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"In a way you are correct. As you sit there in front of me. There is a part of me that wants to ask for your help. That is because I'm stuck in this place and I need to aquire a few things before leaving. However, you believe that I was the one that summoned you. If I were to take credit for it, that would be a fabrication."

"What do you mean, it would be a fabrication?" Zekith looked confused. "Does that mean you didn't save me and you don't need help getting out of here?"

"I do indeed need your help, but I was not the one that called upon you to come to the Room of Tranquility. This place is just one of the many mysterious chambers within the Ouroboros Ring."

"Ouroboros Ring? Wait, did you just say that we are in a ring?"

"Yes, for some reason the Ouroboros Ring healed you and pulled your conscious in. I myself have never seen the ring act in such a way."

"If you didn't heal me nor did you bring me here. Then how and why are you here?"

"Those are both long stories. Which will have to be told at another time. It seems that you can no longer stay for now. We will talk more about this situation in detail all in due time."

"What do you mean? I can't sta..."

Before he could finish his sentence he was gone from the Room of Tranquility.

"Well, well, well. I believe things are about to get interesting." Ren had a radiant smile on her face.

Above Ra village***

Scarlett and Black Cross of the Eternal Night Ascension were teaming up against Emerald who represented the Light of the Crow Church. Scarlett was a sultry Fire Majin at the Saint level. Her curvy body could capture the attention of a blind man. Her physical allure was almost tangable. Even with her current blood thirsty aura, her features were still pleasing to the eye. After exchanging hundreds of blows with Emerald an Earth Majin also at the Saint level. She finally pulled out her weapon. A flash of red light came from Scarlett's hand as a blazing whip appeared.

Black Cross had brought out his weapons long ago. Each hand carrying a sword. One long and pure ivory white. With the other being a jet black short sword. They both gave off baleful auras of death. Although he is imposing as an individual. His inexplicable choice to partner up with this overbearing woman was a mind blowing surprise. Yet, what couldn't be explained or understood was that Black Cross hadn't actually moved as much as an inch to help since Scarlett had shown herself.

When Scarlett took out her weapon. That's when the situation changed dramatically. Black Cross made his move. Like a sinister black and white lightening bolt. A sonic boom was released behind him directly caused by his speed. Black Cross zipped through the air at a terrifying speed. Bringing him directly in front of the Earth Majin Saint Emerald. His sword slashed across the sky in a solid light beam.

To the people on the ground this sword stroke was simply to fast. They only saw a flash of light. The next thing they saw was a blade of light streaming across the sky moving towards Saint Emerald. To the people of Ra village. Someone that was able to reach this level of power was akin to a God in there eyes. To them that was an unreachable level of strength. Thus there knowledge about the Saint level was severely lacking. Leading to them looking upon these figures with awe and worship.

The beam of light connected to a defending Emerald. Whom was wearing Earth armour that glowed with amber color. He counter attacked by throwing out what looking like nothing more than a common rock. When it was about 30 feet from Black Cross the rock became a bolder. Which then turned into a hill and then finally transformed into a mountain. Then it bore down on him with a massive earth crushing weight. Level 2 Majin Earth manipulation technique plus level 5 Gravitation field working as one. Black Cross could feel death approaching.

"Well, you are definitely an Arch Bishop of the Light of the Crow." Black Cross chided himself.

Scarlett took action at this point. Cracking her whip as she released a  Flame Cyclone. It collided with the descending mountain. Her attack dissipated upon contact but it also shattered the mountain at the same time. Her face paled greatly and Emerald coughed up a mouthful of blood after losing control of the Majin technique. Thus freeing Black Cross for his crisis.

Fortunes Affinity room

When Zekith opened his eyes. He was sitting cross legged on the floor. He noticed the blood soaked clothes and the sphere in the middle of the room. One hand subconsciously reached up to feel the side of his head. There was no pain but he could feel that he was struck there. His eyes slightly glazed over as he reached for his pocket.

"That's not important right now." Zekith stopped in his tracks. "Place some your blood from your clothes onto the orb."

Zekith woke up from his revelry when he heard Ren shout. "Ms Ren! How can I hear you?"

"The ring... We will talk later, right now you need to use that device."

"Okay." Sounding a bit dubious.

After touching his pocket. He withdrew his hand and it was covered in blood. Zenith then placed his hand on the glowing sphere that asked for his blood earlier. Upon making contact with the orb the blood was absorbed. Many colors began to swirl around in the center of the sphere. After a few breaths of time some very ancient looking markings began to form above the sphere.

"What do these markings mean?" Zekith was clueless about the results that the orb was showing.

A whisp of energy flew out of the Ouroboros ring. Forming into an apparition of Ren. She looked at the marking that were shinning. She then looked at Zekith with shock and her face clouded over and her eyes turned solem. Ren next spoke with great seriousness. "Do you have the will to become a Majin?"

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