Chapter 8 - Escape the Village

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Zekith removed himself from the now ruined Fortunes Affinity room. Taking a look around he saw Ra village in shambles. There were only a few walls still standing. Plus there was a large and fairly deep canyon that eviscerated half the village.

Zekith found just three other people everyone else was gone. Kinta was the first person he found. He revealed a complicated face when he saw Zekith. Kinta was lucky to only recieve minor injuries. Zekith was actually quite relieved upon finding this so-called rival that was four years his senior. Krom, the highest ranked warrior in Ra Village was the second to be found. Krom forced his way out from underneath a collapsed building. Startling Zekith whom was searching nearby. Krom didn't seem to be injured, but his eyes were bloodshot and his expression grave. The final person he found alive was his Aunt Pol. Although she was the Matriarch of the village and was fairly talented as a Majin in her own right. Her physical strength was lacking.

When Zekith finally pulled her from the rubble. Her clothing was tattered and shredded. Much of her beatiful caramel toned skin was exposed. Yet, her eyes where filled with pride and determination. Krom pulled out a cloak from somewhere and covered her with it while picking her up. Aunt Pol's eyes closed. With just a single glance everyone could tell that she was in a sorry state.

"We need to move. This place is no longer safe." Krom's voice was grim.

"Are we still in danger?" Kinta began to look around pensively and was trembling for fear.

"The blood of the dead will attract Dire Monsters and maybe even Profound Beast. We must move quickly, unless you wish to try your luck in a fight?" Krom gave Kinta a look then he stared right into Zekith's eyes as well.

"Where do we go?" Zekith met his gaze.

"There are two options, but first we move. If we stay longer we're dead."

Without another word Krom left moving up the unnamed mountain to the north with speed. A red glow could be seen surrounding his body. He was carrying Aunt Pol, but it didn't seem to burden him. Zekith and Kinta looked at one another and could only follow. A swirling red and gold glow slow covered Zekith. Kinta's eyes went wide when he saw this.

"I will not be left behind."

Kinta calmed down and took a breath. A faint green color covered his body. Zekith wasn't surprised by this. He understood how close Kinta was to a level one warrior before. They both rapidly raced out of the now ruined village following Krom to the North and up the mountain. Krom looked back and saw both boys cloaked in aura. A grin appeared on the side of his mouth.

Sorry boys your baptism starts a little early. Let's see just how far you can go. A strange gleam flashed across his eyes.

Just as the group reached to outer edges of the ruined village. A rumble could be heard coming from the South. Aunt Pol's eyes fluttered open and then she asked. "What's that?"

Everyone else felt the earth vibrating underneath there feet. Turning to the South to see that the sky had turned dark. Beneath that darkness was a huge cloud that continuously rolled toward them from the horizon. Krom's face paled when he caught sight out this dense cloud. He understood that it represented another unexpected trouble. Apparently Ra Village had more appeal then he ever could've imagined.

"There is shelter on the summit of the mountain. Once we get there everything will be okay." Krom's continued to remain grim. He knew that because of the destruction within Ra Village. They would have a little time before that enormous beast horde would catch wind of them. Betting on their huge lead Krom while holding Aunt Pol with Zekith and Kinta in toe ran up the mountain.

After about ten minutes the small group was about half way to the summit. The uneven terrain and the inexperience of climbing made there journey a bit slower than expected. Suddenly a roar could be heard coming from the base of the mountain. Apparently some of the Dire Monsters and Profound Beast that have already past through Ra Village. Catching the scent of live meat has lead them to start moving up the mountain.

"Shit!" Krom was not happy. "Let's hurry." Picking up the pace.

Zekith could hear the horde of monsters and beast advancing from down below. "What do we do?" Looking to Krom for answers.

"What can we do?!" Krom snapped back. "The both of you have only reached level 1 as Warriors. What do you honestly think you can do unarmed against a beast and monster horde? Damn it! What we need is time. With enough time to reach the shelter on the summit. We can seriously consider ourselves lucky to have survived this calamity. But, without time we are going die in the bellies of these beast and monsters."

They never stopped moving, but the group became quite. As thoughts raced through there heads to come up with a solution. The smell of blood was drifting up the mountain from the decimated village below. Loud hoops and hollering could also be heard coming from the Dire Monsters that couldn't hold there excitement. Profound Beast were able to cultivate so they acted more discretely. Currently one such beast had locked onto this small group of four traveling with speed up the mountain.

"Keep moving." Krom urged. He could hear that the horde was closing in. With darkened sky's visibility dropped to about 500 yards. Shadows were just visible at that distance. With a quarter of the mountain remaining Krom began to panic.


The side of the mountain was hit by something powerful. "Aaaoooo." A group of Dire Monsters that resembled wolves but they had snake like scales covering their hind legs. Plus each monster had antlers of various sizes like Stags. When these fiendish plagues caught sight of the small group they roared with triumph. It was so loud that out actual shook the very mountain they were standing on.

Zekith, Krom and Kinta came to a shaky stop. "Kinta come over here." Krom pointed to his left. "Zekith stand here." He pointed to the other side. The boys moved into position. Once they were close Krom began to speak rapidly. "Boys! We are 1000 yards from the beginning of a natural formation that protects the summit. This formation keeps the monsters at bay. Once we reach this area everything will be okay. " Krom slowly kneeled his big body down. "Take the matriarch." He placed Aunt Pol on the back of Kinta. "Your power is wind related this will be easier for you. The two of you go and make sure to bring her to safety. I'm counting on you." Kinta's face showed determination.
Zekith however looked at Krom. "What about you?" His face solemn.
"Zekith, let's go. If we remain here we will be in Krom's way. Think about it. We are level one warriors. He's level seven. We are clearly slowing him down. Once we are safe he will follow." A green glow surrounded his body once again. "Let's go!" Kinta grit his teeth because he understood that he was weak.
Realization dawned on Zekith. He shot Krom a look. In this look he he portrayed all his emotions regarding the situation. A gold and red aura surrounded his body as well. He and Kinta speed up the mountain once again.
"Ahhh..." Krom stretched his arms. With the children gone let's have a little fun. A powerful fiery aura surrounded Krom. The heat was so intense that surrounding earth started glowing red from the heat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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