Chapter 3 - Fortunes Affinity

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Upon ascending the stairs the main house came into view. Zekith was awestruck as he stood at the apex of the staircase looking at a magnificent building. A tremble ran through his body causing his blood to boil.

"Woah!" Involuntary left his mouth.

The grandeur wasn't visual. The actual building was very simple in construction. With a elegantly designed regal essence. What was awe inspiring was the ancient boundless unbreakable aura. To any normal person this dominant aura coming for the Ra Manor main building was completely suffocating.

However, things were different for Zekith. Where others suffered there was actually a personal resonance within his blood connecting him to this place. So the aura was more akin to a strong stimulation compared to the suppression others felt.

Walking along the path to the entrance door of the main building. Zekith raised his hand reaching for the knob out the door when out swing open.

Standing in the doorway was a beautiful woman. Her curvy figure, glowing chestnut colored skin, and wrinkle free complexion made her look like a female in her early 20's.

However, it was common knowledge that this beautiful woman had been the Matriarch of Ra village for well over 30 years. Plus many of the clan members remember watching her grow up for 30 plus years before she became the clans Matriarch. So it was physically impossible for her to be in her 20's. But, knowone would dare to ask a woman about something as taboo as her age.

Upon seeing this gorgeous woman, Zekith politely soluted and addressed her. "Aunt Pol, you asked to see me." Speaking formally because it felt right.

"Indeed I have young man. Do you know why I've called for you?" She peered at Zekith with her hawk like eyes.

Zekith looked up at his aunt's face and there eyes meet. Causing him to shuddered involuntarily, but, his gaze held firm with resolution. Aunt Pol's eyes flash as she waited for him to say something. Slowly he gathered his courage and began to speak.

"From what I have been able to figure out. This Ra Manor is some sort of ancient relic that stirs the blood of any clan member. So, I'm guessing because I've reached the age where I could train my physical body. It was the necessary and appropriate time for me to come here. Thus, I believe this is the reason I'm here today." Zekith's tone was very relaxed as he spoke neither fast nor slow.

Aunt Pol nodded her head in approval as a smirk slowly formed in the corner of her mouth.

"You are mostly right. This Manor was constructed by our ancestors at the beginning of our family history over 5000 years ago. Built as a training ground. This ancestral Manor has tempered many of the Ra clan members." Aunt Pol's husky voice reverberated in Zekith's mind.

"It is now your turn Zekith Ra! The ninth child of the ninth generation. Born in the seventh month on the ninth day. Step into this building to finish the assessment of the quality of your Ra clan blood." Once again aunt Pol gazed deeply at Zekith. Her eyes shone with a strange light. She looked as if she were peering into his sole.

"There is an auspicious karma surrounding you. Giving rise to my guess that you represent the possible shift in the balance of power. If my conjectures are correct you are the last hope we have..."

Of course Zekith couldn't hear his Aunt Pol's thoughts as he stepped passed her and crossed the threshold of the main building. Once inside Zekith's world changed. From standing outside in the cool evening air surrounded by an alluring medicinal herb smelling environment. To a pitch black stagnant aired windowless room that smelled of must and mold. Zekith felt like he was suffocating. This sensation only lasted for a moment before it passed.

After a sort period of time Zekith's eyes adjusted to the darkness as well. Allowing him to just barely be able to see that he was in a circular room. A platform was in the middle of the room. Where a large translucent orb was resting on a dias in the middle off the platform.

Zekith felt a peculiar sensation in his body. He could feel a pulling effect. Something was drawing him to the strange orb. He had already deduced that he was suppose to go to the orb anyway, but, the summoning he was feeling was beyond his expectation.

He took a step forward and runes on the floor and walls flickered on. Starting from his single footstep spreading out to cover the whole room illuminating therein.

Now that Zekith was able to clearly see within this room. He noticed that the floor and the platform were made from a azure blue stone. While the walls and buttresses were made with white marble. The contrast in color was pleasing to the eye. The four basic elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water were represented with there own section within the circular room.

Zekith continued to approach the platform and podium where the orb was located. When he reached the platform in the middle of the room. Something of to the side flickered with a intense light causing Zekith to look over.

However, he saw nothing. Thinking that he was mistaken. He shook his head and was about to proceed into the platform. When the flash happened again.

This time Zekith clearly saw it. Halting his steps he turned and moved toward the direction of where the flash came from. In an obscure section about an inch from the wall the stom floor stops leaving a small gap between it and the wall.

Within that gap a small unadorned ring. Zekith picked it up and tried to examine it but there wasn't enough light in the circular room. However, his interest were peaked so he kept it. Placing it in his pocket.

Turning his attention back to the orb in the middle of the room. Zekith walked back to the platform and stepped onto it. He was now standing in front of a large translucent sphere. A blue stone slab was next to the podium that housed the orb. It shone with light when Zekith got near. The characters that lit up were the instructions for the opperation of the orb.

The Ra clan was formed by Mahao Ra. He came to the Phoenix continent on the year 4296 of the celestial calender. At that time the Ra clan had only three members. The head of the family and eldest Mahao, his younger brother Luxor and Ciol their cousin. On that same year this Fortunes Affinity was placed within this chamber. With the hope that future generations of the Ra clan can benefit from its help.

This sphere contains the essence of elements. Once activated the potential in regard to ones ability to use one of the basic elements will be given. This figure will be given a numeric value from 1 to 9. This numeric value will be placed under each of the basic elements.

Zekith's eyes began to glitter brightly. "From the information given I can assume a couple of things about my family history. First around 5000 years of history only refers to the history on the Phoenix continent. The word came means that our clan arrived here from somewhere. I wonder where that somewhere is? Secondly it appears that the members of the Ra clan at one time had mental power giving them the ability to use the elements or in simpler terms Magic!" Zekith was stunned from this revelation.

It must be understood that Magic was never talked about in the Ra clan of today. That was basically because from their understanding of the Ra clan history. The members of the clan have always excelled at having strong physical bodies. He would anyone ever imagined that in there history there was Magic. Zekith tried to calm his excited heart. However, that was proving to be a little difficult. It took him a quite a while to calm down. Once he was able to get his nerves to subside. He turned and continued to read.

Fortune refers to mental power. The more Fortune you have the stronger your mental power will be. Affinity is in reference to the four basic elements. Everyone that has mental power can turn it into energy in the form of the elements.

The Ra clan bloodline is ancient and special. Everyone from the Ra bloodline is required to come to this place and test their Affinity. To activate the Fortunes Affinity sphere one only needs to place a hand upon the orb.

"So this things name is Fortunes Affinity. Hmm..."

Zekith stood in front of the stone slab. His face was a little grim as he was thinking about the imformation he had just recieved. Suddenly without any further hesitation. He placed his hand on the orb.

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