Chapter 2 - Bloodline

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"Ra? Did Warrior Krom just call that boy Zekith Ra?" An audible gasps could be heard from some of the kids within the group.

"No wonder he's so strong. It turns out that he's from the Ra family."

Kinta, whom already got himself up was shocked. "Damn, I can't believe it. He's from the Ra family?" He shook his head in dejection. "Who would've thought that this kids background was so deep." A cold chill suddenly ran down his spine. Noticing eyes on him he turned toward its source. Those eyes belonged to Zekith, who happened to be heading his direction. Apparently he was done with his talk with Warrior Krom.

Kinta's face visibly paled as he looked at this approaching young man. His face was so white it made him look like a creature from the underworld. Zekith seemed to either not notice or he just didn't care about the looks he was receiving from the crowd as he continued to walk.

His pace was neither fast nor slow as he approached Kinta. Zekith came to a stop a mere three meters in front of him. Even a person at the Worm level could attack someone with full force from about ten feet away. The tension in the air was palpable as the crowd watched in deathly silence. While some felt sorry for Kinta others sneered and welcomed his misfortune.

Kinta could feel a deadly crisis approaching as he stared at Zekith. It was a suffocating pressure that was deep rooted. Making him feel like the weight of a mountain was pressing down onto his chest. Zekith hadn't said anything or even made a move against him. He simply stood in front of Kinta causing him to feel utterly petrified.

Before Zekith could speak Kinta stuttered. "Young Patriarch, this one is truly sorry for my actions earlier. If this lowly one would've known who you were. There was no way this lowly creature would've ever challenged you." He spoke with the 'appropriate' address which supposed to be extremely respectful.

However, upon hearing Kinta speak Zekith frowned a little. He looked away from Kinta for a moment before speaking. "Big brother Kinta, may I ask you a question?"

When he heard Zekith call him big brother. A sense of relief immediately washed over Kinta's body as he answered. "Ask away!" A smile began to show on his face. Even though he was clearly nervous.

"If you were in my shoes... Would you want to be treated like everyone else or be isolated but revered? Now with that in mind... Why do you think I kept my name to myself?" Zekith's voice was smooth and mello not overbearing in the least.

The light of comprehension donned on some of the kids faces. Kinta was naturally one of them. But, none the less a short pause occurred before his eyes glittered with full understanding before he answered. "Obviously, if I were the young Patriarch, I would wish to be treated equally just like everyone else."

Zekith smiled amiably and nodded his head in agreement and satisfaction to Kinta's words. Everyone there could feel their hearts thump and warmth spread through their limbs. Zekith's smile instantly caused the surrounding kids to like him and want to form deeper connections with him.

A little while later when things had settled down and people where heading home. Kinta was about to leave for the night when hee noticed Zekith in a corner sitting dutifully observing the crowd. There eyes locked and he smiled then he turned his gaze to something else. Kinta once again stared at Zekith as he thought. "This kid is a little different compared to the rest of us..."

It was evening now and everything had settled down from the earlier spectacle. Zekith was headed to the Ra Manor. Which was situated in the northern section of Ra village. The compound was a fair seize. It was built in a simple rectangular shape at 100 yards wide and 500 yards long. Upon entering the main gate you would be greeted with a lush and fragrant garden. Albeit it was a bit over grown, but, the pale blue light of the Moon softly illuminating the surroundings caused ones breath to almost disappear from the eerie beauty. The vision of this garden was truly quite enchanting.

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