Chapter 5 - My name is Ren

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Lying on the floor in the Fortunes Affinity chamber. Zekith could feel a very comfortable warm sensation coursing through his vains. Taking an inventory of his condition he immediately noticed the green mist surrounding his body. There was also a warm sensation radiating from his side. Which lead him to find the brightly glowing ring in his pocket.

Sitting yup with his legs crossed. Zekith reached his hand into his pocket. "Now, what do we have here?" Taking the glowing ring out of his pocket.

As soon as the ring came into view. A beam of light shot from the ring straight to the middle of Zekith's forehead. Immediately, his would changed. He was now in a small courtyard surrounded by think red barked trees. With a lush green canopy of leaves over head. A wooden bench was stationed next to a tree with droopping benches. Making the a secluded area within the courtyard. An elegant white haired woman was sitting at that bench as if she was waiting for someone.

Upon taking notice of the woman. Zekith seemed to have been drawn to her aura. Nothing else within the courtyard mattered. His mind in a daze with clouded eyes and seemingly without his notice Zekith had approached her.

"Welcome my young friend." She turned her head to gaze at this new arrival that is now standing before her. "Please take a seat. I'm sure that we have a lot to discuss." She gestured toward the seat across from her.

Zekith came to his senses snapping out of his dazed. His eyes grew clear. He looked at the old woman with white hair. "Who are you and what is this place?"

--- The Study

Aunt Pol was looking at the scryed image of Zekith on the floor of the Fortunes Affinity room. Her face was ghostly pale from worry as she surveyed his situation. What was happening outside was secondary. Suddenly her eyes lit up. She noticed that Zekith had sat up. Most of her worrying over him diminished at that moment.

With her feelings back in order. Aunt Pol turned her attention back to the image of the situation just outside Ra village. Currently, there were now three Saints in the air above the village. Aunt Pol had a deep frown on her face she watch things develope. "If this escalates any further Ra village is going to incur far greater losses than we ever could've imagined. This is a disaster and a disgrace to our ancestors. How could we have fallen so far from grace?" There was deep depression within her voice.

--- Outside Ra village
"Old man, your era is over. The trial of a thousand years is almost upon us. Eternal Night is going to take control of this region in this selection."

Saint Emerald glared daggers at the female that was standing next to Saint Black Cross. He was bleeding rather horribly from the wound inflicted by that fiery woman. He was unexpectedly being pressured by these to from the junior generation. Feeling a bit more than humiliated Emerald thought of his status within the Light of the Crow Church. Being one of the 33 Arch Bishops. He wasn't a fresh pup waiting to lick from his mothers tit. His eyes suddenly flashed with a green light.

"Humph, you believe me to be a stepping stone. Like I'm someone weaklings can contend with."

Emerald's anger was reaching a tipping point. Black Cross and the fiery woman knew about Emerald being within the Light of the Crow Church. But, what they didn't know was Emerald's actual status within the church. However, they didn't care. There job was simple. Find a member of the Light of the Crow and kill them. So, what standings in the church he had meant nothing. Saint Black Cross turned to the woman.

"Scarlett, let's kills this bastard." Killing intent began to radiate from Black Cross.

"I was going to kill him whether you were going to help or not." Her killing intent was imposing and domineering. Luckily, it was all directed toward Saint Emerald of the Light of the Crow Church. Saint Black Cross could only smile wryly as began to move forward.

Zekith took a seat on the stone chairthat was across the table from her. There was a pressure in the air that was coming from her. Zekith sat staring at this mysterious woman. A long while passed in silence before the woman sitting in front of him looked at Zekith. Everything about her spoke to her ancientness. But the person in front of his face didn't look older than a 20 year old female. Confused he desides to brake the silence.

"Senior, may I know who you are and where exactly we are?"

"Senior? Well considering your age anything would be looked upon as a 'senior.'"

Zekith was fairly intelligent. So seeing a young girl with an aura as old as time in front of him. He wouldn't dare call her old lady or grandma. Even his mentioning the word 'senior' was a calculated move. It seemed to pay off because this senior was without hostility.

A couple breaths of time passed as if she were considering something. Then she slowly smile and began to speak. "What's your name little boy?"

"My name is not little boy! Senior may address this junior as Zekith." Clutching his fist in irritation.

"Zekith is it. What year is it?" Her voice was simple and smooth.

"Senior it is the year 4296 of the celestial calendar." Being that this senior hasn't given her name. Zekith kept his answer short. He was worried that he would offend her.

It's been over 2000 years. She sighed to herself. A look of reminiscing settled over her beautiful almond shaped eyes...

The woman sat quietly. It was clear that she was thinking of something. Yet, her face was emotionless the entire time. After another few breaths of time she exhaled loudly. With that exhale something in her was released as if she had come to some decision. With eyes that represented a time once passed she looked upon Zekith. This simple action caused him to stop breathing momentarily.

"My name is Ren."

Zekith felt a weird pressure surround him as her heard this name. Waking him from his former stupor. "Senior Ren where is this place?"

Ren's eyes narrowed a little. The aura she just released should have incapacitated him. But it seems that this kid has talent. Hmmm let's play this out.

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