Chapter 4 - Destruction

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The sphere under his hand began to glow. Initially glowing with a pure white hue. Then some of that energy touched Zekith's outstretched hand. Intermingling with his own energy the sphere began to change on the inside.

In the very center of the sphere a bubble of energy appeared. Surrounding this bubble were waves of energy auras representing the four elements. The swirling energy's slowly moved within the sphere. It was clearly going through the process of analyzing Zekith's energy.

At the bottom of the stone slab a sentence that at first couldn't be seen slowing began to illuminate. Of course Zekith was able to see the sentence right away. His eyes went wide with shock because of those last words that shown on the stone slab.

A prices of blood is necessary to test your essence.

These words had clear meaning and Zekith's face turned pale because he started to panic. He hadn't even considered that he would actually need to spill blood during this trial much less his own.


Suddenly, just outside Ra village two people appeared in midair while facing each other. The force of their unexpectedly appearances caused the world to shake. Many buildings within the village collapsed into piles of rubble. Everyone in Ra village could feel a terrible oppressive aura coming from those two people. Even the rank seven warrior Krom was looking up with a red face and bulging eyes. He was able to react in time to shield himself but it took everything he had just to stay alive. The look on his face was truly unsightly as he looked at the two figures in the air. Most of the village was now in ruins

Someone yelled and pointed at the two people flying. "How is this possible?!"

"A Human can fly!?" Another's voice shrieked. All eyes were on the figures in the air.

The oldest members of the village even came out of their well fortified ancient homes which were located to the north end of Ra manor. These homes were made from the same sapphire quartz that surrounded Ra manor. Plus, they had the natural protection of being at the base of a small mountain. They came out to check on the commotion in the village. When they saw the two people in the air. Some of the more wise elders had gleaming eyes of fervored anticipation. While the rest were just as confused as the young generation.

Aunt Pol watched the proceedings from her scrying bowl. She was in Ra manor and the whole building shook violently when the two people appeared. Bewilderment flashed across her face and her eyes to pop out of their sockets with surprise. "Saint's!" She shouted in a half scream half yell combination. "Why would Saint's come to this backwater location?" Aunt Pol's face was grim as she forcefully calmed herself and watched the scenes before her eyes.

Zekith whom was in the deepest cavern with Ra manor. Felt a slight trimmer from the walls and nothing more. There was a low hollow groan that came from the ceiling. His focus was on the the glowing sphere beneath his hand so he didn't pay attention to the strange noise. "How am I supposed to..."


A large chunk of sapphire quartz feel from the ceiling and struck Zekith on the head. The heavy force of the blow cut pretty deeply. Causing his blood to spray out hitting the sphere and flow from his head like a sieve as everything for Zekith went black...

The Fortunes Affinity sphere however activated.

In the air above Ra village -

"What is the meaning of this Black Cross?" A well built white haired man bellowed.

The other man had black long sword in his hand. Sneered as he pulled out a white short sword. "Why are you upset old man Emerald. You should've known this was going to happen. Publicly announcing that you are searching for the Mystic Eye. Of course the Holy One would send people to investigate."

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