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l o l a w e a s l e y

"NICE DRESS Lola," Emma said sweetly, very much out of character, looking at me through her mirror.

"It's Olivia's," I said while applying a glittery lipgloss.

"But Olivia's clothes are awful." She wasn't wrong, Olivia usually forgot it was commonplace to cover her backside.

"Well I made a few alterations. If you can believe it, there was even less fabric to begin with," I joked, prodding my best friend in the shoulder with the lipgloss tube.

"Girls, how long does it take you to bloody get ready? We're going to be late," our impatient friend Blaise Zabini called from the dorm's door.

"Fashionably late," Emma corrected, jumping up from the floor in front of the mirror and straightening out her shirt and short skirt.

"Well that's one way to get people's attention Em," Blaise ridiculed light heartedly, earning him a playful slap on the arm from our feisty friend. I slid into my shoes and made my way to the Slytherin Common Room. It was a quick walk to the common area and upon arrival we saw our friends huddled around the large leather sofa.

"Looking good," Crabbe called over to Emma and I.

"Thanks Vince, but you know how I feel about us, strictly friends," Blaise said giggling, always the charmer, Crabbe proceeding to send him a death stare.

"You know for all the time you take getting ready Weasley you feel like you should be coming out looking actually presentable," my dear friend Draco Malfoy said, looking at me up and down face ridden with disgust. As usual his rude remarks caused the whole group to roll their eyes. Draco and I's relationship was at best, horrible. If being a Weasley wasn't bad enough, I was also a pain in the ass at most times. Unfortunately due to our close friendships with Blaise and Emma, we were forced to have spent the last three years around each other almost constantly.

"Ooo get out of the way world. Draco's got his sassy pants on today," I laughed at him as I grabbed Emma's hand and began to make my way out, the group slowly following behind.

"She's so gross Draco, I swear sometimes I think I'm going to throw up when I look at her" I heard Parkinson whisper loudly from behind us. Pansy also was unsurprisingly a great deal of annoyance in my life "How she managed to get so much uglier over the Summer is beyond me" Draco let out a chuckle, the most spiteful one he could muster.

"Pansy darling, you should back off, or your next period will be coming out of your nose" I turned around to say aggressively, her face contorting into a look of shock. Beautiful.

The party was held on the first night back from Summer in the farthest dungeons in Hogwarts, it was a yearly party arranged by several seventh years from Slytherin and Ravenclaw. It was one that I had been anticipating for ever since I first found out about it last year.

An hour into the party I had downed one too many firewhiskeys and was beginning to lose the ability to walk. Emma had been flirting up a storm, Crabbe and Goyle had not left the vicinity of the chocolate fountain and Draco was hidden away in a corner with a Slytherin fifth year who had caught his eye during the holidays. As I started to debate whether we were too young to be left unsupervised with alcohol, Blaise stumbled up to me, even drunker than I was.

"You know, we've been excited for this party for ages, but the chocolate fountain really is the only good thing here. I got to see you and Emma in those dresses though, so I think it was worth it," Blaise teased giving me a lopsided grin. Blaise and I had been friends since first year, after I lost my brother to the politics of Hogwarts houses.

"I know! Our parties last year were so much better,' I yelled over the loud music.

"I spent too much of the summer cringing about that night in the astronomy tower" Blaise laughed, grabbing the remains of his drink and catapulting it down his throat.

"That was a night we don't need to discuss again thank you very much, I'm still mortified" I grinned grabbing my glass back and filling it up with more alcohol. Blaise was a sweetheart, but I was not attracted to him, and the antics that night in third year had been a mistake of the highest degree. Thankfully we had agreed to keep it a secret.

"I'm glad it's not awkward between us, i was scared it would be," Blaise dropped his head, clearly embarrassed to be talking about it.

"Blaise you've kissed so many girls that if you were to not talk to them after, you'd only have boys and teachers left to kiss.'

"Honestly I'm not against that idea, Hagrid could get it," I smiled at his comment, as I turned to look around the room. We were too young to be here, we were the only fourth years in sight.

Emma leaped up behind Blaise laughing, a black haired boy behind, holding her bag. "Let's get out of here, it's awfully boring."

"Should I grab the boys?" I asked, searching the room for them, Crabbe and Goyle had remained beside their new true love, but Draco had gone from his corner with the brown haired beauty.

Emma shaked her head, "I think she left to give him a blowjob," she chuckled and grabbed our hands pulling us out the dungeon, Blaise grabbed a few bottles of bubbling liquid quickly before we left. I had never understood the appeal of Malfoy, why did girls like him so much? It definitely was not his personality, and it was hard to believe his gross face had anything to do with it. Either way, I hated it when he disappeared with a new Slytherin girl each week to get his dick rubbed. He doesn't deserve it.

"Who's this guy?" I asked Emma, staring inquisitively at the dark haired boy.

'I have no idea, he's cute though, don't you think?' I turned to Blaise laughing at our dear friend and her ability to get any boy she wanted.

i realised there's not much
Draco in this chapter, I'm doing
a bit of setting the scene before I go
straight into the twos
relationship. I'm not a big
fan of rushed stories. I really hope
you enjoy this and please vote and
♡Thanks for reading♡

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