M A R R Y S N A P E ?

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l o l a w e a s l e y

'I'd snog Dumbledore, marry Snape and kill Hagrid' Blaise answered.

'Marry Snape? You'd die of boredom!' Emma shouted, attracting a lot of unwanted eyes.

'Or drown in a puddle of grease in your bed' I added, causing Blaise to giggle.

'What about you?' Emma turned her attention to a sulking Draco Malfoy.

'Easy. I'd kill them all'

'That's not really how you play D' Blaise was always a sucker for rules.

'What? Are you saving yourself for Flitwick?' I teased.

'Jump off a cliff Weasley'

Just before I hurled an insult back at him a familiar Scottish voice came from behind me.

'Miss Weasley, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office' my good old chum Mrs Mcgonagall said sternly as I turned around.


'No next year.' I started blankly at her, 'yes Weasley! Go now' I grabbed my notebook and waved goodbye to my concerned looking friends, I hadn't been to his office in a while, and especially not alone.


When I reached his office door after the ordeal of finding the password, which involved running around like a loon for twenty minutes and nearly inflicting a severe asthma attack, exercise isn't really my thing, and then having to not throw up on a swirling staircase, I knocked twice, for the door to open automatically. Room upgrade, cool.

'Ah hello Lola, how are you this afternoon?' Dumbledore asked, straightening up in his chair, motioning to the empty one in front of his table.

'Well I'm okay thanks, tired mostly, and I've not finished my lunch so still very hungry, but I'm always hungry so nothing new I guess' I have to stop rambling, he looked at me as if he really did only want a simple adjective.

'Don't worry you'll be back to your food in no time, sit'

'So what's this about?' I said as I sat down in the velvet cushioned chair.

'Well Lola, Professor Snape has informed me that you and Mr Malfoy got into a pretty nasty argument yesterday morning, I know you and him have never quite got along, but with the other schools here we have to set a high standard. We just can't have another event like that, it makes us all seem very unprofessional'

Well this definitely was not what I was expecting. I also never knew how much of a snake Snape was, thought he was on our side.

'I'm sorry, it won't happen again' I really just wanted to eat at this point.

'Yes Lola, but you've said this before, I wonder whether it's worth distancing yourself from Draco and your friends?'

'Believe me professor I've been trying to distance myself from Draco Malfoy for three years now, the boys inescapable' He chuckled and stood up, walking over to a cabinet with a book settled on top of it. He picked it up and placed it in front of me.

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