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Terror. That is the only way I could describe the look in his shiny eyes as I watched him from below. He sucked in a large shaky breath and wiped his hands on the bottom of his t-shirt.

"I can stop if you want, just say if you want me to?" I smiled demurely up at the boy. His adam's apple bobbed as he planned his next move. His tongue glided over his lower lip. I had outsmarted him, he knew I had, and he had no bloody clue what to do now.

He closed his eyes, breathing in slowly.

"Do you want me to suck your cock Draco?" He breathed in so sharply, the sound filled the whole dusty cupboard.

"Y.. yes," his eyelids fluttered open, staring at the wall desperately, "yes Lola."

"Why won't you look at me Draco, I think you'll enjoy this more if you look right at me." I wanted him to know that it was me, Lola fucking Weasley who was about to give him the best blowy of his life. I wanted him to know that it was him, that was a crumbling, nervous mess.

However, his eyes remained on the wall. I turned my attention the grey sweatpants. He was erect. Even through the sweatpants I was impressed by the size of it. I realised I would now no longer be able to make fun of his small dick, there goes ten percent of my insult repertoire.

My hands flew to the waistband of his trousers, Draco shuddered as I pushed them roughly down his legs. His hard penis sprung out, escaping his clothes. Staring at his bare penis was somewhat jarring, I had been expecting another layer till I got an eyeful of all of him. I had to wonder how his skinny little body had allowed him a dick like this. I wished the room hadn't been so dark so I could see it properly. I could feel Draco looking at me, awaiting my approval, I presume.

Was I really going to do this? This would surely make things awkward for the foreseeable future. But as I continued to stare at his throbbing member, I realised that we were too far gone anyway. Wasn't like we had a friendship to fuck up.

Malfoy's breath was growing heavier and shallower with anticipation, and I couldn't stop myself from turning my attention back to his face. He looked at me, his mouth catching flies, before his gaze darted back to the wall. He seemed to be more interested in the wall than the hot blonde on her knees.

My fingers hesitantly approached him, I made contact as I glided my index finger along the inside of his thigh. I pressed my thumb into his hip hard, eliciting a small yelp from Draco.

He was holding his hands rigidly by his side, not moving a single muscle, as if he was scared if he moved, I would stop. Or maybe he was trying to stop himself from busting before I had even touched it, that would be all kinds of embarrassing for him.

I scooted closer to him. "Don't cum too quickly." I could see him nodding profusely, anxious to please. I twisted my head to drag my lower lip along the underside of his shaft, from the base to the tip. His hands flew from his sides, to twist themselves aggressively into my hair, as a low groan escaped his mouth. This boy has never had a blow job in his life, what was this rookie behaviour?

His hands loosened in my hair. "Does that feel good?" I breathed against his tip as I watched the blonde boy come undone. His lips parted slightly, he nodded desperately. I knew it felt good. What a lucky bastard he was. His hair fell over his face and I rubbed my thighs together as I felt myself get turned on.

My attentions returned to his leaking penis, as I gently stroked it. My wet tongue then followed the path my lip had journeyed before. The sharp taste of precum alarmed me, but I liked that it had come from him. It was Draco's, and annoyingly, that fact was making me wildly horny. His breathing had gotten so erratic, it was beginning to sound as if he had just been involved in some very arduous activity. It wasn't like he was doing the work here.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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