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l o l a w e a s l e y

THE MORNING GOT OFF to a rough start after Malfoy decided it was time to declare war on Olivia Silverstone and enlisted me as his next in command. Draco tended to carefully chose his enemies, and while he didn't find a problem in picking on those weaker than him, he always yearned for a challenge. Olivia Silverstone was a challenge. The fifth year Ravenclaw was an extraordinary witch with friends in circles all over the school, and I knew that Draco would not be able to turn away from this opportunity for revenge, and neither would Olivia.

"We have to strike her first, she's no doubt already began enlisting her adoring fans," he had slammed his fist down on the table, ready to announce his plan, as I tried to eat my eggs in peace. Blaise had taken Emma back to the dorm, leaving me to sit with Malfoy alone in the Great Hall. Thankfully, he too was ignoring our conversation last night. He hadn't slept well, I could tell, the bags under his eyes resembling war paint. A war, I wasn't sure I wanted to wage. I still hadn't completed the reading for my study group, and the unopened book on the table seemed to be hurling insults at me. I was battling with a feeling of guilt, knowing I was letting down the three mediocre musketeers.

"Weasel!" Draco attempted to pull my attention away from the book, using one of my favourite nicknames he has for me. Draco didn't like to call me Weasley, as he didn't like to associate me with my family, which I honestly appreciated. "Slow psychological torture? Or just one intense hit?" He questioned, looking at me with his big silver eyes. His bottom lip hung open slightly, and it was hard to believe that the things being said were coming out of his mouth. Fucking Malfoy. Why do you make everything so difficult for me?

"How about option three? Slow torture, then top it off with a big bang." He liked my suggestion, nodding as his eyes sparkled, presumably plotting all the evil little things he could do. Before I could stay and bear witness to this inevitable train wreck I was now involved in, my charming twin brother began to walk out the hall, looking at me as if to tell me to hurry the hell up. Draco noticed my new distraction, rolling his eyes when he saw him.

"I have to go Malfoy, tell Blaise and the invalid that I'll see them later." I stood up, the heavy book weighing me down as I clutched it to my chest. He scanned me inquisitively for a moment, eyes eventually falling back to the book, before turning his attention to his food. He appeared to be trying to work out where I was going without actually asking me, I didn't really have any friends that weren't Emma or Blaise, so I could understand his confusion.

"Tell them yourself," he mumbled to his plate of food, probably sad I was leaving him to plan on his own. Which was strange, considering Draco never tended to get all weepy at my departure. I hovered, watching him sulk. I could have stayed, asked him what was wrong. Maybe his father had sent him another passive aggressive letter, telling him that he had to do better in his classes, or to stop spending time with a Weasley. Neither of which he ever listened to. I could have stayed, but it was still Draco, and it was still me, and no matter how much time we'd spent actually talking to each other these past couple of days, we were still not friends.


The walk to Hogsmeade made it impossible to finish reading my section, as the wind howled in seemingly all directions. My plaits flew around the air, as did the pages of the book, and instead of reading, I spent most of the time trying to come to a sufficiently believable reason as to why I was unable to do my one small task. It wasn't as if they would be all that pleased to hear the truth either. I knew Hermione was friends with Olivia, bonding over their big brains and big hair I imagine. Therefore, the information that I attacked her wasn't going to be welcomed pleasantly. And wretched Ronald would just tell Ginny, who would then tell mum, whom I liked to not know about the things I did at school, not needing to be any more of a disappointment than I already was.

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