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l o l a w e a s l e y

I, OF COURSE IMMEDIATELY regretted my decision to join my best friend Emma Valenta onto the dick ship. Currently I sat between two large Bulgarian boys, attempting small talk with me even though we spoke almost nothing of each other's languages. Torturous? Yes. Emma had disappeared as soon as we'd arrived, with a boy who's name I'd already forgotten. The ship, of course, was beautiful, but vaguely resembled a sex dungeon, and I couldn't tell if I was into it or not.

One of the Bulgarians poured me a drink I suspected to be Vodka, I took a moment debating whether I could be bothered with a terrible headache tomorrow, but decided strong liquor was the only way I was getting through this evening.

"Nazdráve" he said as he lifted his glass into the air signalling me to do the same. We hit them together before both throwing the vile tasting liquid down our throats.

Olivia had eventually decided to come as well. Olivia, a Ravenclaw in the same year, had been friends with Emma and I since second year when we met in detention.

She and Emma had always had a tumultuous relationship, both being too similar to one another. Only five minutes ago, they were fighting over the boy Emma had left the room with. They were equally used to getting their own way, and I worried a more serious argument would erupt later.

"You have....boyfriend?" Georgi spoke in broken English. I should have told him the truth, no I don't, and I never have, but I didn't want him getting the wrong idea.

"She has a Draco, not sure if that counts though," Olivia laughed, clearly intoxicated. What the hell did that mean? The boys however didn't understand her as she spoke too fast, and I nodded to Georgi, signalling I was taken.

I shot Olivia a confused look, a knowing grin spreading across her face.

"I fancy Draco about as much as I fancy Filch, not at all." I knew she was joking, but I hated it. I hated that everyone thought I had a crush on him, and I hated even more that Draco might ever think I had a crush on him too. I wouldn't allow him the satisfaction.

"No need to be ashamed babe, he's hot," she was getting on my last nerve. Olivia always did this when she was drunk. I wanted her to just go and fuck that Bulgarian boy and leave me alone. I ignored her, turning my attention to Georgi who was watching the exchange curiously. Maybe I should just hook up with him, get my mind off of Draco and his little rodent face. Draco wasn't hot, he was vile. I downed another shot of vodka.

"If you're going to be boring Lo, you should just leave, why come to the dick ship if you're not going to get any dick?" I had reached my last straw, and before I launched myself at her, I removed myself from the situation.

I followed the way Emma had went, through the large door behind the couch. It opened to a long corridor, which I presumed were bedrooms. I sat down by the wall with my knees up to my chest. I couldn't stop my mind from lingering to Draco, I loved being with him at parties. We fought constantly as we slowly got more drunk, and while anyone might look at us and think we were having a rotten time, we were in fact in our element.

I wished he were here, he would have obliterated Olivia - who he hates - in seconds.

I thought of his blonde hair, and his pale delicate fingers. My intoxicated brain usually stopped me from thinking about him at this point, but now I was vulnerable to what was deep down. I imagined his fingers running up my side, slowly, I imagined how they felt. I closed my eyes as my mind wandered to places I was so ashamed of, to places I could never talk about.

"Lola?" Emma broke me from my fall into the abyss, "Are you okay?" She knelt down beside me, her hand caressing my knee. Her eyes were full of worry, I didn't blame her.

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