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l o l a    w e a s l e y

"ALASTOR MOODY, ex-auror... ministry malcontent... and your new defence against the dark arts teacher," the heavy built man announced groggily while scrawling his name on the fading black board.

"I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" The class remained silent, fascinated by the man now identified as Alastor Moody.

In the back row, tucked behind Draco Malfoy's blonde hair, was Lola Weasley, her heavy head held up by her hand. A taste of vomit lingered in her throat from the night before and an ever present thump in her head distracted her from listening to anything the professor was saying. After the dungeon party the night before had been overwhelmingly disappointing, Blaise, Emma and the mystery boy, who they never actually learnt the name of, had went back to the boys' dorm room and drunk far too much. As usual Lola was very much regretting her decision.

"But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Lola wanted to be anywhere but here. She had no idea how many or what the unforgivable curses were, Lola unfortunately, as most tests proved, didn't have much clue of what a lot of curses were.

His eyes began to scan the classroom when the over confident, frizzy haired student that was Hermione Granger opened her big mouth and said, "Three sir." Lola groaned internally, of course she knew. 

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any of them will-"

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct," Professor Moody said, finishing Hermione's sentence. This lesson had taken quite a dramatic turn in comparison to their last year in defence against the dark arts. 

"Lo, come on pay attention," Emma said quietly while the professor continued to drone on about unforgivable curses. Lola pulled her head out her hand and forcefully faced the front of the classroom. She didn't care about this class, she wanted to be in bed.

"I told you not to start mixing all that alcohol last night," Emma kept speaking, to Lola's distaste. Emma never seemed to get hangovers.

"Oh wow Em, you've obviously mistaken me for someone that gives a damn," Lola whispered dismissively.

"God what did you eat this morning? An extra serving of bitchflakes?" If they had been in any other setting than a classroom, Lola would be ready to throw hands and storm away from any living people.

"Miss Weasley?" Moody questioned from the front, seemingly aware of the unfolding situation at the back of his classroom.

"Yes sir?" She responded unhappily, still not really paying attention.

"An unforgivable curse?" Instead of standing up like the proper classroom etiquette was, Lola rolled her eyes with a look of disgust written all over her face, he knew she had no idea.

"Abracadabra?" She said sarcastically, causing almost the entire classroom to erupt in supressed laughter.

Unfortunately Professor Moody was not entirely impressed. "Thank you Miss Weasley, but next time you open your mouth to answer a question in my class, maybe think about how stupid and unnecessary your response is. Stop wasting my time." Emma was trying not to let out any more giggles, fear of the same result. Draco was gleaming with joy.

"You're real hard Lola, you know that" Draco teased, turning around to laugh at her.

"Malfoy! Shut it!" Professor Moody yelled.

"Well evidently not as hard as you" she whispered. 

Who is everyone's
biggest crush in Harry Potter?
(Besides Draco of course)

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