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l o l a w e a s l e y

Friday night and I was being slowly and brutally tortured. Study group with Hermione, ginger spice and horrid Harry.

There was only one thing in life that I liked to be brutal and it definitely wasn't this.

Within five minutes of starting I was already wondering what the pros and cons were to breaking my leg so I could get out this. Snakey Snape had assigned groups for us to work on a class project, and I was more than dissatisfied with mine.

'Lola, can you read page 16 to 54 and take notes?' Granger asked in a forceful tone.

'I'll read 16 to 17, but 16 to 54 is a joke,' I tapped my exposed thigh to the tune of a Billy Joel song and stared into the distance. The library, as one would imagine on a Friday night, was void of any human life.

'Well that's just not very helpful is it?' Hermione was obviously holding back her rage and began to fold her hair around her index finger nervously. The idea of me ruining her perfect grades was terrifying her.

'How about you compromise and do 16 to 36?' Harry proposed. I nodded in defeat, not wanting to waste energy on the powerfuff girls.

Twenty minutes later and the trio sat in front of me reading.

'How much longer is this going to take? I have places to be,' I asked abruptly.

'Well, probably all night because you kept cancelling which means we need to finish it this weekend!' Hermione yelled pulling on a strand of her hair, 'If you had a bit more respect we wouldn't be in this position.'

'If you'd all just done it yourself like I'd proposed, we'd again, not be in this position'

'Shut up Lola! Stop being a bitch and just help, don't you care about school?' Granger had now released her hair from her grasp and I began to tap my thigh again, 'I need you to put those last remaining brain cells together and work with me, ok?'

'Look Granger, not everyone needs to work as hard as you in life, cause some people, get it right the first time,' I smiled sweetly, her face going entirely red.

'That doesn't even make sense' Hobo Harry said, looking up from his book.

'What's your problem with us? We haven't done anything wrong to you Lola.' Hermione had returned to a calmer voice, grabbing a pen and writing something down on a plain piece of parchment.

'Haven't done anything wrong? You all refused to talk to me anymore after I got put into Slytherin. I didn't decide where I went, but you acted liked I pretty much just become a death eater by choice' I was shocked at what Hermione said, how could I be accused of being the one with the problem. All I'd ever wanted when I was in first year was for them to like me.

'We were kids! Back then Slytherin was bad and we didn't know a house didn't necessarily define who you were as a person! You became friends with Malfoy and Valenta and you were horrible to us!' My least favourite Weasley exclaimed.

'I'm not friends with Malfoy, I was never friends with Malfoy' I crossed my arms, beginning to get angry at the group.

'You let him bully us! Everyday! You could have stopped that. No wonder we didn't want to be friends with you' Granger said, putting her pen behind her ear.

'Why would he ever listen to anything I'd say?' I laughed. What I was saying was technically true, but I knew I could have told Emma and Blaise it was wrong and they could have spoke to him and got Malfoy to chill, but I didn't want to. I hated my brother and his friends for isolating me and making me feel how I did when I was only a child.

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