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l o l a    w e a s l e y

  'BLAISE! Stop!' I yelled as he relentlessly tickled my stomach,'I'm going to pee myself!'

'If you agree I will free you, promise,' he laughed. He was enjoying this way too much.

'I'm not cutting your dirty toenails!'

'But it's sandal season, I'm not getting any girls with nails like these.'

'Like you'd get them anyway,' I giggled.

'Are you guys coming or are you going to continue with all the foreplay?' Emma's attitude ridden tone said from our dorms door.

'We're coming, keep your fückïng hair on,' Blaise jumped off the bed and pulled on his sleek black shoes. He walked out the room leaving me and Emma trailing behind.

'I know you say you don't fancy him, but I don't know if I believe you.'

'That's bullshit, he's like my cousin'

'Well you know you can marry your cousin,' Emma smiled while straightening her crumpled up shirt.

'Who's marrying their cousin?' Draco queried when we caught up to the boys in the school halls. I ignored him, I'd learnt to understand that no matter what I said, Draco would insult it.

'I used to fancy my cousin, in my defence though I didn't really understand what a cousin was back then!' Blaise revealed making us all turn to him with a confused look on our faces.

d r a c o l u c i u s m a l f o y

Emma and I sat on the bench pushed up at the side of the room looking at the impressive goblet of fire which stood proudly in the centre of the cleared space. It oozed beauty. An illuminating white line circled around it, preventing any underage student from crossing into the side of the goblet. Some were angry about the restrictions, but I couldn't have cared less.

After Emma and I had been watching the object in the middle of the room for about five minutes, I turned to look around. Crabbe and Goyle were pulling on ugly little longbottoms shirt, Dean Thomas and the rest of the Gryffindor posse were huddled together talking loudly, Blaise was attempting to woo some Ravenclaw sixth years, totally unsuccessfully may I add, and at the end of the room Lola was sitting with two boys I didn't recognise, they were Hufflepuff which probably explained it. We had a very small amount of friends, and I happened to know every person Lola talks to, and no Hufflepuffs were on the list.

Emma must have noticed me staring at her, she said, 'that fight was really bad this morning, can you two not just be civil with one another it would make life a lot easier?'

'She was being even more annoying than usual this morning though! You can't blame me' It was true, Lola was always an irritant, but this morning had been worse than usual.

'Draco she said your dad was hot how's that more annoying than usual? You should just talk to her,' I rolled my eyes, it was always funny listening to Emma pretend she actually cared about people.

'Do you know who's she's speaking to?' I queeried, I was getting bored watching Lola rub those boys thighs.

Emma turned to look, then it was her shot to roll her eyes,' she's getting them to do her charms homework.'

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