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l o l  a   w e a s l e y

THE SKY WAS beautiful and clear, we lay on the damp velvety grass by the lake down from the school.

As usual, we barely spoke, we just breathed white clouds into the welcoming air. It had always felt good holding the smoke in our mouths for a long time and then slowly exhaling in order to feel everything, experience everything, embrace the thinning amount of time that teenagers had. Very pretentious, trust me I know. Fred had always understood me, shockingly. No one could ever know we were friends, he had his secrets and I had mine, but when we came together we never had to hide anything. It was what one might call perfect, we knew that wasn't the case, but we were fine taking the label. He was one of the only of my brothers I was still friends with, so our friendship meant a great deal to me.

Fred Weasley was a fascinating boy, he fooled everyone, he lied better than almost anyone I knew, and it made me adore him.

No one could find us out here, in our secret place, our den of delinquency.

I balanced the remainder of my cigarette in between my two fingers loosely, before throwing it into the lake below, Fred doing the same. We smiled at one another. We'd made a mutual agreement before the summer that we'd do this forever, even when we're old and grey and all the doctors have told us another cigarette will kill us.

He stood up and held out his hand for me, pulling me up at a great velocity.

As we grew closer to the castle doors I covered us both in my citrus smelling perfume to eradicate the strong smell that lingered on us.

'How's Lauren?' I asked in the silence.

'Still crazy,' he said before giggling quietly. He knew I didn't like it when he called girls crazy, but we enjoyed winding each other up.

Womaniser Weasley grinned down at me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me down some side stairs.

'No Freddy I hate your shortcuts! Believe it or not but I need to arrive at the dorms some time this month'

'Well I don't, so too bad missy'

'Ah the wanderer has returned' Blaise grinned as I strode into the Slytherin common room later than usual.

'How was dinner?' I asked trying the divert the subject away from me.

'Increasingly better considering you weren't there,' Draco smirked, not taking his eyes off of a magazine he was flicking through. I ignored him, better to not give him the satisfaction.

'We had chocolate cake for dinner which nearly gave me a stroke of excitement.' Emma smiled widely at me.

'That's impossible Emma,' Draco again interrupted.

'My auntie had a stroke' Blaise added.

'Congratulations I guess?' Draco said, boredom thick in his voice, now putting his magazine down and directing his attention to a thick leather book which I had always assumed was a diary.

'Was she okay?' Emma asked, genuinely interested, which was rare for her.

'No she died, but it's whatever, she used to make me eat sweet corn, so I wasn't that sad'

'Blaise Zabini ladies and gentlemen, man of empathy and emotion' I laughed, pushing his legs off the cushions to sit on the sofa with him.

'Can we take a moment to appreciate these Durmstrang boys by the way, absolute hunnies,' Emma practically drooled.

'Nothing on me' Draco said with no hint of sarcasm.

'They've invited us to their ship tomorrow Lola' she said grinning much wider than usual.

'Their ship? That sounds questionable' Draco had finally looked up at the us, with a quizzical look filling up his irritating little face.

'Oh don't worry daddy, we'll be safe,' Emma laughed at him, twirling her dark hair between her fingers, obviously teasing him.

If there was one thing that we knew about Draco, it was that he had worlds biggest daddy kink.

Draco tensed up, and moved his leather book to rest on his crotch. It was always nice to know, it didn't take much for Monsieur Malfoy to get turned on.

'I'm just saying, they're all considerably older than you, and I'm pretty sure inviting you on their ship is another way of saying their inviting you onto their dick' Draco informed, attempting to take attention away from what was going on in his trousers.

'Well I've already RSVP'd yes so your going to have to suck it up'

'I actually won't be sucking anything thanks' Draco said as he returned his attention to the leather book on his lap.

'Well I never RSVP'd to the dick ship, so you can count me out' I voiced. As handsome as the Durmstrang boys were, their ship didn't look like the kind of place I wanted to spend my Thursday evening.

'I must unfortunately decline too, I have some history of magic homework that is slowly killing me' Blaise said sadly.

'B, you weren't actually invited on the dick ship, so that news isn't exactly as devastating to me as you probably thought it was' Emma smiled at him, as she stood up she grabbed me from the sofa, 'me and Lola are going to sleep now, so see you fellas in the morning'

'And Draco by the way, get rid of the book, it's so small we'd never see it anyway' I said sweetly, walking away as I grinned at his annoying little face turning bright red.

AN [ sorry it's such a short chapter, I hadn't updated in ages and just really wanted to get something up. Also I know it seems quite a slow start, but I'm just trying to set the scene a bit and help you to know in more detail who the characters are and what the relationships between them are, in order for you to understand why they do what they do etc
Anyway I hope you're liking it so far, thank you very much for reading ]

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