Chapter 1

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"Nico!" Someone shouted from behind me.

I whirred around to see Will Solace jogging over to me. He waved me over. I groaned and turned away from Percy and Annabeth. I was glad to have that off my chest. I walked over to where Will standing. I was unbelievably tired after shadow-traveling and I felt as though I may black out any moment.

"What is it Solace?" I barked, which only further drained my energy. I tried to act strong.

I gave him my best glare to emphasize that I didn't want to hear whatever he had to say. He didn't seem bothered by it. He just pointed at me.

"You owe me three days in the infirmary. Starting now." He told me sternly.

I scowled.

"Not a chance. I'm just tired. It's not a big deal." I lied. I knew now I wasn't okay and that I needed help. I wasn't about to let him know that.

He scowled at me now.

"No. You are way past tired. Shadow traveling is dangerous and has obviously done a number on you. Your swaying back and forth and you look like you're about to puke!" He argued.

I rolled my eyes. He could argue all he wants. I wasn't going to go to the infirmary. I told myself it didn't really matter if I was swaying or felt like I may pass out. I had been through worse. It's not like anyone here cared about me anyway.

"Whatever. I'm going back to my cabin." I huffed and started to walk. Each breath felt like I was breathing fire and each step sent a sharp pain through my body.

You've gone through worse. This is nothing. This is nothing. Just make it to your cabin.

My thoughts were interrupted when a certain son of Apollo grabbed my wrist. I jerked around.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed at him.

His bright blue eyes locked on my dark brown ones. His messy blonde hair was swept over his face. He almost looked handsome.

Snap out of it.

I snapped my hand back, out if his grip. The amount of effort almost made me topple to the ground but I kept standing.

For a moment he looked almost hurt that I'd pulled my hand away. He tried to play it off but I could tell he was genuinely upset.

"Nico, what's wrong? Why won't you let me help you? What are you so afraid of?" He near shouted.

I was taken aback. He didn't know what he was talking about.

"What am I so afraid of?" I scoffed. "It honestly makes absolutely zero difference, does it? Because no one at this dreaded camp cares one bit about me anyway. I could die tomorrow and no one would care!"

I felt myself tearing up. I stopped talking. I couldn't do this. I turned around. I was not  about to let him see me cry. Will didn't say anything for a moment as if he was choosing his words carefully. I was debating whether I had the energy to shadow travel when he spoke out in barely a whisper.

"I'm some one. I care. Jason cares. So do Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Annabeth, Piper, and Percy." He stopped and I knew he was glancing over at Percy.


"Speaking of, what did you tell, Percy? He looks stunned."

I didn't respond, instead I focused on not collapsing.

I heard him shake his head.

"Fine, that's not the point anyway."

"Then what is your point?" I snapped.

"Well, it seems to me like the only one who doesn't care if you die..." He hesitated, "is you."

A tear ran down my cheek.

No. I thought. Don't cry.

I quickly wiped it away before turning around to release another rampage.

"You don't understand anything." I spat at him.

He shrugged but was clearly still hurting.

"Then make me. Make me understand, Nico. Because I sure as Hades don't!" He yelled back.

That was it. I walked straight up to him and punched his lip. I didn't think it was too hard, but it completely drained me of energy. He stumbled back a bit and put his hand to his mouth in awe. I just stood and watched, concentrating on not passing out. When he pulled his hand away, I could see that his lip was bleeding.

Good.  I thought. Let him experience some minuscule pain. He hasn't experienced anything.

I decided I had to shadow travel. I didn't have any other options. I had just begun to shadow travel away when a pain shot through my chest. My legs went weak. My breathing quickened. I started to fall.

Oh no. This can't be happening. Not here. Not now. I thought.

But it was too late. Just before I hit the ground I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and they started running. With me, collapsed in their grip. I was enveloped in warmth. The last thing I saw before I blacked out entirely was the shiny gold hair of Will Solace.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading! I'll post Chapter 2 really soon! Bye!

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