Chapter 17

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WPOV: 17
I ran over as fast as I could when Annabeth burst through the infirmary doors. Piper was close behind. They were both dragging one of my sisters.

I didn't even have time to ask what happened.

"Go help Nico!" Annabeth yelled at me.

Piper pointed to where he was. About halfway between the infirmary and his cabin. There were boys fighting next to a small lump on the ground. My stomach lurched as I realized what the small lump was.


"Nico!" I called to him from a few feet away.

He didn't move.

I gathered him in my arms, effectively blocking his view of the fight Percy and Jason were in. I watched Reyna run up to join the fight. My brothers didn't stand a chance once Reyna joined. I rushed Nico into the infirmary at top speed. He didn't respond to anything I did. He just remained still.

I hooked him up to an IV and gave him ambrosia and nectar. But it was difficult because he couldn't seem to swallow on his own. So I had to mix it up and put it into a shot. I inserted the needle into his arm. He didn't flinch as usual. He only moved his eyes to watch me.

Please be okay. Please be okay.

"Nico what happened out there?" I asked desperately.

I could see in his eyes that he desperately wanted to tell me something. But it was no use, he was paralyzed. I waved over a couple more healers and we turned him over so we could inspect his spinal cord. We lifted his shirt and saw how many bruises were on his sides, stomach, and back.

I was going to kill those kids.

He had a broken rib cage in multiple spots. No wonder he didn't want to move. Four of us healers gathered. We decided we would have to put all of the demigod magic we had to heal him.

I leaned down to his ear.

"This is going to hurt like Hades, but it'll be over soon, I promise." I told him weakly. Then I focused all my concentration on the healing I closed my eyes and covered Nico's as light erupted out of us healers' chests. It spiraled it's way down to him, enveloping him in light. My chest burned, but I kept concentrating.

Nico had to live.

When the glowing and burning stopped I opened my eyes, then pulled my fingers off Nico's. I looked at the healers around me. It was Jacob, Alice, May, and I. We all looked completely drained of energy. We hadn't all had to work together to heal someone since Emma. I hoped this time turned out differently.

"Thank you, guys." I mumbled softly.

None of them said anything, they only nodded and left to see the boys that Reyna, Jason, and Percy had dragged in. They were all unconscious. I had to resist shoving them out the door and refusing to treat them.
Nico looked at me. I could tell that he was in pain. The magic was doing its job but I still wanted his pain to stop.

I rubbed his raven black hair out of his face and smiled weakly. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

His eyes drifted shut and he started to sleep.

"So, so sorry." I whispered.
He gradually gained his strength as he slept. I could tell because when his nightmares started up, he started screaming. I gathered him into my arms and he whimpered.

"It's okay, Nico, I've got you. I won't let them hurt you anymore."

He said something that I couldn't hear and started screaming again. Then he started crying, huge sobs that wracked his body. It hurt so badly to see him like this. Nico's friends had come to see him at about lunch time. They were heartbroken to see that he still hadn't woken up. He'd been sleeping for about four or five hours. I hadn't left his side.
Reyna brought me something to eat. I wasn't really hungry, but I scarfed it down to take my mind off things. Hazel had come in crying about an hour ago and hadn't left since.
Reyna told me that they weren't planning on leaving until Nico was okay to go with them again. I just nodded.

It was around dinner time when Nico's eyes fluttered open. I nearly had a heart attack. I was so happy.

"Will..." He muttered softly.

"Hey there, Sunshine."
Hey! Short chapter! Sorry about that!

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