Chapter 2

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I rushed Nico into the infirmary at top speed. Yelling orders at some of my siblings. A few ran over and helped get him situated before I started my check up. I wouldn't be able to do parts of my check up until he woke up again but I did the parts I could.

Why couldn't he just listen to me for once? I thought. Why didn't he care? 

When I was done I started to walk away so I  could check up on other patients. 

There's nothing else you can do. I told myself.

But I didn't really believe it. I turned around and looked at him. Lying there, completely helpless, he looked so fragile. I wanted to wrap my arms around him. I wanted to tell him that he was loved and needed. But whenever I came close he pushed me away.

Someday. I told myself. Someday he'll believe me. I'm sure of it.

I walked back over to his bed. The checkup had taken longer than I had realized and I had missed dinner. It was almost 9:00 at night and most of my cabin was either at the singalong or asleep. I smiled knowing how hard my siblings worked here at camp.

I sat down next to Nico and grabbed his hand. His hand was colder than usual.

Please let Nico wake up. Soon.  I prayed.

My brother Jacob walked over to where I was sitting. I quickly pulled my hand away. He smiled weakly.

"Do you want to head back to the cabin? I can watch him if you want, you and I are the last ones here." He asked me, still smiling slightly.

I shook my head.

"No, that's okay, I'll take the night shift, you can go get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning."

He didn't argue with me, he only nodded.

"You've had a rough day. I'm sure he'll wake up soon." He told me.

"Really?" I asked a little too desperately.

He chuckled.

"With you caring for him, there's no way he couldn't." He emphasized the word caring as if telling me he had seen.

"You don't mind?" I asked him carefully.

He smiled bigger.

"Goodnight, Will." He told me and headed out.

"Night." I whispered.


I awoke to screaming. I jerked up. I had fallen asleep.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I mentally scolded myself.

I looked around, a couple of the other campers were starting to wake up from the screaming. I looked at Nico. He screamed again. He must have been having a nightmare.

I layed down on the bed next to him and pulled him into my arms. He grabbed my shirt and started crying. Tears ran down his cheeks and I quickly wiped them away.

I rubbed circles on his back and whispered condolences. He immediately calmed down but he still held tight to my shirt. I sighed. I guess I was staying here for a while.

Not that I really minded. If Nico needed me, I'd be here.

If only Nico knew that. I thought.

Then I gently drifted off to sleep again.


The next morning Nico was still laying on me, though his grip on my shirt had loosened. I didn't want to leave but I had work to attend to. I wiggled out of his bed and started making my rounds around the room. Checking in on the patients occasionally, doing other check ups, or jotting something down on my clipboard. Some of the patients had gotten worse. A few had stayed the same. Most had gotten better. No one had died. I nearly cried out in relief then remembered I had one last patient. Nico.

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