Chapter 7

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"He will never love you."

Keep running. Don't listen. Keep running.

Don't listen. Keep running.

"She wasn't smiling at you, she was sneering."

Keep running. Don't listen. Keep running. Don't listen.

"It's your fault your sister's dead."

Keep running. Don't listen. Keep running.

"He won't save you now."

Keep running. Don't listen.

"She always hated you."

Keep running.

"They never loved you."

Keep listening. Don't run.
"Nico! Wake up." Someone started shaking me.

I awoke with a start. Jason was staring at me, eyes wide.

"It's Will! He's gone!"

I sat up bolt straight.


"He not in the camp!"

I looked around half expecting Will to be standing in the doorway just to tell Jason he was jumping to conclusions too quickly. No such luck.

The boy who had been watching me yesterday, whom I now knew was Jacob, was standing behind Jason looking equally as flustered.

Jason shoved a piece of paper at me as if it burned his skin.

"He left this."

I looked at it. A note. I instantly started reading it.

By the time you read this I'll already be gone. I'm sorry I had to leave. I just don't think I can take it.'

I gulped.

'I was and still am so afraid of hurting you, I just hope I'm doing the right thing. I'm afraid that if I get to close to you, it could end up being the last thing either of us do. I promise I'll stay safe.'

"You can't promise that," I thought bitterly.

'I'm just going to live with my mom for a while until I can get this sorted out. Please, please know I'm doing this for the best. Please know that.

"We talked to Chiron and we got his mothers address, it's not too far from here so Chiron wants you, Jacob, and I to find him and bring him back to camp." Jason said.

I nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak. I had to find him. I just had to.
Jason have been driving for the past hour. Jacob was sitting in the passenger seat telling Jason where to go. I sat in the back of the camps van trying not to puke from worrying so much.

On the way, Jason had told us his entire conversation he and Will had when I was sleeping. I wasn't even mad that he had told Will that I liked him. He had been right. I only wished that I had admitted I loved him back sooner.

Jason pulled over to the side of the road. He was pretty sure we were in the right neighborhood, but none of us had any idea what house was his. We decided to ask for help from one of his neighbors. So the three of us walked up to a big green Victorian style house with huge rose bushes out front and knocked on the front door. A man in his fifties opened the door. He was well dressed and smoking a pipe.

"What do you want?" He yelled.

"We're lost, would you happen to know where the Solaces live?"

"Three houses down to the right, the orange one." The man grunted.

"Thank y-" Jason started.

The man shut the door in his face and stalked off talking about 'kids these days'.
We sprinted down to the orange house. It was a Victorian style house too with daisies in the front. I reluctantly knocked on the door.
A woman in her forties opened the door. She had blonde curly hair that went down to her shoulders and she had freckles covering her face. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress even though it was November and most people were wearing hoodies and coats this time of year. There was no doubt about it.

This was Will's mother.

She smiled at us.

"Hello! Who might you be?"

I stepped forward, shaking.

"Hi, Ms. Solace, I'm Nico. This is Jason and Jacob, we're friends of of Will, is he here? We really need to speak to him." I put a hand out to shake her hand.

She took it but stopped smiling.

"Yes, he's here. He got here earlier this morning. He was crying, but I believe he mentioned you." She motioned towards me, "I'll ask him if he wants to see you, but he seemed pretty upset."

I nodded.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

She smiled weakly and closed the door.
Jason and Jacob gave each other nervous glances. I focused on my shoes.

When the door opened again about five minutes later, I was disappointed that it wasn't Will.

Will's mother faced us, looking solemn.

"He doesn't want to see us?" I asked a little more desperately than I probably should have.

She shook her head. Tears started gathering in my eyes. She looked at me with pity.

"However, Will told me the situation and I think it's best if you talk to him." She said directly to me.

I couldn't believe it.

"Thank you. Thank you so much!"

I fought back tears of joy. She smiled at me and welcomed me in. She pointed down a hallway.

"First door on your left." She told me, then retreated into the kitchen.

I found the door and knocked on it.

"Will? Will, it's Nico, can you let me in?" I pleaded.

The door was unlocked but I wasn't about to burst in uninvited, even though that's what I was practically doing already. I held my breath as the door swung open slowly.

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