Chapter 8

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I had used a public pay phone to call my mom to pick me up. She had agreed without hesitation and we were on our way back home within the hour. I explained everything that had happened at camp recently with Nico, Emma, Jason, and Jacob. I was pretty detailed about why exactly I was three blocks away from Camp Half-Blood crying on the street curb.

She didn't give me any advice, which I was thankful for. When we got home she let me sulk in my room for a while. I sobbed into my pillow for a good half hour or so before I heard a knock on the door.

Then I heard voices talking outside. I didn't need to hear the sound of the voice to know it was Nico. I heard my mom close the door and come up to my room. She let herself in.

"Honey, Nico is here, I really think you should talk to him."

I shook my head.

"William, please, that Nico, I think he's really, really upset about this."

I straightened up a bit.

"Did he seem hurt?" I asked softly.

She shrugged. I thought for a few minutes. Was it worth it?

"Tell them I don't want to talk." I said finally.

With that she stood up and briskly left the room.

I listened as she started talking with someone again, only to re-shut the door.
Seconds later there was a knock at my door. My mother wouldn't have knocked.

"Will? Will, it's Nico, can you let me in?" A voice asked from outside the door.

I hadn't locked the door, but he must not have felt comfortable barging in. I didn't really have a choice I guessed and slowly made myself open the door.

Nico watched nervously as I opened the door. When I saw him standing there, knowing he'd came after me, I couldn't take it. I fell to my knees and sobbed. Nico sat next to me in the hallway. I laid my head down in his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and rubbed my back as I sobbed, huge ugly tears.

I don't even know why I was crying. I think everything that had happened had just finally caught up with me.

"Will, I love you." I looked up through tears and saw he was crying too.

"I love you, too." I told him through sobs.

"You know, I'm crying entirely too much these days, I blame you entirely." Nico told me.

At first I thought he was mad at me but then I saw that he was smiling. I laughed despite the tears streaming down my face.

Eventually, we stopped crying. We didn't have any tears left. So we just sat next to each other in the hallway. Hand in hand. His head was leaning on my shoulder. My head was tilting against his.

"So how did you know where to find me?" I asked him.

"Chiron had your mothers house address."


"So how did you get here?"

"Pay phone. My mom picked me up three blocks away from camp."


"Boys, lunch is ready!" My mom called.

"Coming!" I called back.

"Let's go." I told him.

I helped him to his feet and we walked down the hall into the dining room. Jason and Jacob were already sitting at the table waiting for us. I sat down next to Nico on one side of the table. Jason and Jacob sat across from us and my mom sat at the head of the table.

My mom made lasagna. We ate and talked about what baseball team we wanted to win the World Series. I said Yankees. My mom said Yankees. Jason said Yankees. Jacob said Mets. Nico said he 'didn't care about baseball and could someone please pass the breadsticks'. My mom thought that was the funniest thing in the world.

When we had finished I put my bowl in the sink, followed by Jason and Jacob. Nico was still finishing a discussion on food with my mom. Jason placed his bowl in the sink and started to walk out of the kitchen.

"I'll meet you out in the car, Will. Come on, Jacob."

He started to turn away. I stopped them when I replied.

"I'm not going back with you."

(A/N Whoa, Guys this is like my third short chapter in a row! I'm so sorry! To make up for it have some extra great Solangelo fan art, just because I love you guys! I hope your enjoying this so far and I would greatly appreciate it if you voted, but it's cool if you don't too! Thanks!Side note-no fan art is mine.

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