Chapter 18

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I looked around to see I was sitting in Tartarus again. I shuddered thinking of my memories of here. Then I heard footsteps behind me and laughing, but I didn't move when I looked up I saw them.
The kids who had beaten me.

"N-no. P-please don't hurt me." I whimpered.

They only laughed.

"No! Please don't hurt me!" One kid mocked.

"Don't worry, we aren't going to hurt you at all." A girl said.

"Yeah, that wouldn't be any fun! Instead we decided to hurt...someone else." She teased.

"Who?" I asked her quietly.

She laughed. And stepped aside revealing a body lying limply on the ground. He had golden, curly hair. On the ground before me was William Solace.

He had blood streaming down his face and was curled up into a protective ball. He was whimpering quietly, but seemed oblivious to what was going on around him. I tried to run to him but I was stuck in place.

"Will!" I shouted.

No answer.

The shortest boy laughed.

"He can't hear you. He only listens to us."

He kicked Will's back. Will yelped. Then he kicked his stomach. Will gasped for air. Then his head. Then arm. Then chest. Then shoulder. Will screamed out in pain. But I couldn't move and Will couldn't hear me.

I was too late.
When I woke up someone had their arms around me and I was crying. No. Sobbing. They spoke calming words to try and calm me down, but it was no use. Seeing Will die had sent my emotions over the top.

Every inch of my body hurt. My stomach, back, and sides most of all. It felt like I was on fire. Just opening my eyes was a completely draining, but I opened them anyway.

My vision was blurry still, but I registered bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair staring down at me. I looked closer and saw the freckles.

"Will..." I whimpered softly.

I could just barely make out him smiling at me.

"Hey there, Sunshine." He whispered "How are you doing?" He then asked me softly.

"Dandy." I whispered sarcastically.

He chuckled lightly.

"Alright, well, I have to give you a check up. I promise I won't hurt you though, okay?"

I only nodded.

No matter how many times he gave me check-ups, they still scared me half to death.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as he pulled out various instruments and held the up to me. He let me stay laying down because I didn't have the energy to sit up yet. Most of the instruments I wasn't bothered by. The ear and eye tools didn't bother me a bit. Neither did he blood pressure thingy. But the stethoscope...that bothered me. Like a lot. So when he pulled it out of his bag my heart skipped a beat.

"Nico, can you take off your hoodie for me, please?" He whispered.

I shook my head weakly.

"No because you don't want to or no because you don't have the energy to?" He asked softly.

"Both." I answered quietly.

He nodded slowly. Then put one arm on my lower back to place me in an almost sitting position, using his hand to support my head. He used his other hand to lift the hoodie gently over my head. He set it on my legs and lifted the stethoscope to my heart.

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