Chapter 19

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WPOV: 19
Reyna bounded into the room, looking more stern than she usually does.

"Can I help you, Reyna?" I asked politely.

"What are the names of the kids who beat up Nico?" She asked bluntly.

Nico winced at the memory. I noticed and pulled him closer to me. I discarded the plate and the food left on it.

"The tallest boy, that's Julian Anderson. The boy with straight blonde hair was Caleb Zaket. The shortest boy was Logan Day. Then the taller girl was Jennifer Sweet and the shorter was Ally Jace." I told her, still holding Nico close to me.

She nodded.

"Great, thanks." She said and disappeared out of the room.

I stared at the doorway wondering why she had wanted to know.

"What is it?" Nico said, pulling me away from my thoughts, "What's wrong?"

I looked back at him, tearing my eyes away from the doorway.


They were my siblings. I never would have expected any of them to do that. Ever in million years. If I hadn't seen it happen myself, I wouldn't have believed it. They were always so nice and kind to me, but now they were monsters. They almost killed Nico. My Nico.

Nico gave me a questioning look. He knew I was lying. I didn't want to tell him what was going my mind. He had winced of the the memory. I'm sure it wouldn't be good for him if we discussed it.

"I don't think it's nothing Will, what is it?" Nico asked softly.

I sighed.

I didn't know if Nico was going to give up or not. I hoped that he did. I hated to see him in pain. Surely talking about the incident would bring nothing else. I shook my head.

"I don't want to talk about it Nico, I don't want to upset you." I told him.

He didn't look convinced.

"Please tell me, Will?" He begged.

I let out another heaving sigh.

"Fine. I was thinking about the kids. The ones that attacked you. I wouldn't have thought that those kids would do that. You were so brave, Nico. I don't think I could ever be half as brave or strong as you." I said softly.

He nuzzled his face into my shirt. I could tell he was blinking back tears. I shouldn't have talked about it.

"I don't feel strong." Nico whimpered. "Or brave." I stroked his hair and rubbed circles on his back.

"Believe me Nico, you are. Your the strongest person I know. I love you, Nico."

"I love you, too." Nico whimpered.

I held him tight. I wouldn't let anyone hurt him anymore. I should've been with him. As soon as I saw Leo was fine in the infirmary I should have bolted out the door to see Nico and make sure he was okay. But I didn't and that made me feel so awful.

That brilliant, wonderful boy in my arms was whimpering because I hadn't saved him. I hadn't been fast enough. He's almost turned to shadows because I wasn't fast enough. Why couldn't I just be fast enough? I looked down at Nico cradled in my arms. He had shut his eyes but he wasn't sleeping yet. I rocked back and forth to smooth him. He nuzzled in closer and soon drifted off to sleep. I waited for the nightmares to start. I decided that at this point, it's probably be better if I woke him up this time, instead of trying to soothe him while he's asleep.

He started whimpering again. Within seconds the whimpers turned to screams. I shook him lightly. It didn't work. I grabbed the bottle of water off the table and let a little bit of cold water splash his face. He bolted awake still screaming. I put the water back and started drying off his face with my shirt sleeve. He saw me and started sobbing.

"Hey! It's okay. It was just a dream. Shh, it's okay. It's all gone now. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked in a soothing tone.

He nodded. Then he calmed down enough so he could explain to me what happened. I looked at the clock and realized he'd been asleep almost four hours. Nico took a deep breath before starting.

"I was back in Tartarus-" he began.

"Nico, you don't have to tell me if it's too painful." I interrupted.

He shook his head.

"No, I want to, I need to get this off my chest. So I was back in Tartarus, but I couldn't move. I just stayed kneeling on the ground. I heard footsteps come forward but I can't see who it is. Finally they come into my line of view. They're the kids that attacked me. I beg them not to hurt me and they start laughing. Then one girl tells me that they're not going to hurt me. She says they're going to hurt you. Then she steps aside and your lying there in a heap on the ground. I try to move but I can't. I try to call out to you, but you can't hear me. They start beating you. They start kicking you over die." His voice cracked. He started sobbing again.

"Hey, don't cry, Nico. I'm okay. Look, I'm okay. It's alright, Nico. It was just a nightmare. I swear it on the River Styx." I said.

He nods and calms down drastically. Jacob steps into the room.

"Uh, Nico, you have some visitors. Should I let them in?" Jacob asks.

Nico nods.

"Sure, go ahead." He tells Jacob then leans his head back against my chest.

My heart stops as I see them walk through the doors. Julian, Caleb, and Logan rush in. Quickly locking the door behind them.
Oh no. I promised myself Nico wouldn't get hurt.

I quickly scramble out from under Nico and form a protective shield around him. The boys only laugh and come closer.

"I really don't understand what's making you want to protect him, Solace." Julian spat.

I looked him dead in the eye.

"Nico is amazing." I spit back.

I can feel Nico wriggling under me. I scoot closer to him slightly. He wraps his arms around my stomach and starts crying into my back. The boys glare at me. I don't care. I'm going to protect Nico whatever the costs. I love him.

Caleb steps forward this time.

"Just give us the freak and we can be on our way." He tells me.

"You'll have to get through me first." I challenge.

The three boys lunge forward. I punch Julian in the jaw making all three of them back away slightly. Julian smiles.

"Oh, now your asking for it." He says.

The boys lunge at me again. This time two of them manage to get a hold on my arms, they rip me away from Nico's grasp. Nico yelps as Caleb grabs him and forces him to the ground.


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