Chapter 5

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He was crying. I hadn't expected that at all. I felt awful. I didn't know I meant that much to him, I didn't realize... I just thought...

I felt tears of guilt welling up in my own eyes. He probably hated me now. I blinked back the tears and looked away.

"Why do you even like me? I'm creepy and mean and-" I started to ask.

"Amazing. You're amazing." He finished.

How could he think that? I just brought despair everywhere I went. How could he think I was amazing? What had I ever done to make him think that?

I looked at his shiny blue eyes. They were red and filled to the brim with tears but to me, they were beautiful. His nose was running slightly from crying. He didn't seem to notice. His bottom lip was shaking from the effort of not crying. Sadness was a look I knew all too well. I looked at his cheeks. He had lines from laughing. Under his eyes he had dark rings from lack of sleep.

Another pang of guilt shot through me and I realized that I was the cause for those dark rings. My nightmares. They had kept him up at night. I felt tears welling up again.

No. I blinked them back.

I looked at his cheeks which had so many freckles that they might as well been stars in the sky. I looked at his hair. It's was shiny and gold and was usually swept neatly to one side but today it hung over his forehead.
I fought the urge to push it to the side, out of his face. He cleared his throat. I realized I was staring.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't re-realize..."

Now it was taking all I had not to burst into tears. He took my hand and I flinched.

"It's okay," he soothed, "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Everything will be alright."

I only nodded and looked down at the spaghetti sitting in my lap. I realized now how exhausted I was. Arguing with Will had taken a lot out of me. I wasn't even sure if I would be able to lift my fork.

Will seemed to know exactly what I was thinking and gently released my hand.
At any other time I would've been entirely embarrassed by the idea of Will feeding me but after our fight I was too far drained of energy to care much about it.

Will only made me about eat the half the bowl, so I could sleep.

For the first time since Tartarus, I didn't have the nightmares.
When I woke up Jason and Piper came to see me. I really hadn't wanted any guests, but Will decided it would be good for me to get in some human interaction with someone other than him.

Jason and Piper came in nervously as if afraid that I would spontaneously combust if they looked directly at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You can sit down. Will brought in another seat." I told them.

Piper smiled and dragged Jason over to sit down.

We talked for awhile about things that had happened since I came to the infirmary. Piper talked on and on about how Travis Stoll and Katie Gardner had gotten together. Apparently Connor was none too happy about it and had stolen all of Katie's shoes. Travis made him give them back, though.
I didn't really care about the Stolls' or their problematic love life's but it filled the silence so I was okay with Piper talking about it.
They talked awhile about some other non-existent problems at camp when the conversation silenced.

Piper and Jason had spotted something to the side of the room that I couldn't see. I craned my neck but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Everyone in the room was running about or laying in bed. Nothing seemed unusual. Then all of a sudden it hit me. Someone just died. I can't really explain how felt it. I just kind of did.

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