Chapter 11

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HPOV: (Switching it up a bit, so this is told from Hades' Point Of View) just so you all know!
When we arrived in my palace garden, Will looked horrible to say the very least.

He was on his knees from crying so hard, holding his side. But he didn't stop. He seemed to notice we were in a garden filled with rainbow flowers and his crying softened a smidgen. I laughed. He looked at me, now very confused.

"Gods of Olympus, I'm not going to reap your soul or anything! I just wanted you to explain to me why Nico is in his room sobbing horrifically as you're at camp sobbing horrifically." I explained to him.

He steadied his breathing and calmed enough that he would be able to talk and told me the entire the story. By the end of his story I must've been looking at him like he was the most idiotic person in the Underworld because he started sobbing again. Geez, teens are emotional.

"So? Let me get this straight. Well, you know what I mean, but you thought that by leaving Nico, you were actually protecting Nico?" I asked.

I couldn't believe it. Teenagers these days. Gods they were dumb.

Will just started sobbing horrifically again.

"Ugh! Fine! I was just going to return you to camp and bombard Nico with questions myself, but I guess instead I could possibly let you talk with him. Just for a bit."

The kid looked up at me.


"Well would I lie about this?"

Really how dumb could teens get?

"Thank you!" He yelled.

Tears were still streaming own his face.

"Yeah well don't thank me yet, first you have to convince him to let you into his bedroom." I told him.

He scrambled to his feet.

"Okay." He mumbled.

I turned and led him from the gardens, into the house, and down the hallway to Nico's bedroom.

I stepped aside and watched as Will knocked on the door.

"GO AWAY HADES!!!!" Nico roared, but you could still hear him crying in the background.
Will flinched at the sound.

"No, Nico, it's Will, please let me in." Will said softly.

There was a brief pause as if Nico was considering it.

"No! Go away!" Nico sobbed.

Honestly teenagers were so dramatic.
Will cringed as a few silent tears started to fall down his own cheeks.

At this point I realized I was probably evading their privacy but to put it bluntly, I didn't really care.

"Nico, please let me in. I didn't want to hurt you and I got scared and I'm so, so sorry!" Will whispered desperately. Another pause.

"You promised." Nico whispered back through sobs.

Will winced. I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Probably better at this point to not interfere. Unless it became needed, of course.

"I know, I know, Nico, and I apologize I was just so scared. Nico, please, if you let me in, I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll never, ever leave you again Nico, I love you."

I made a gagging motion with my hand. Will didn't notice. There was a long pause. No one said anything.

Finally, thank the Gods, Nico opened the door. He was still sobbing though. Will immediately embraced Nico in his arms. Nico sobbed into Will's shirt. Will rubbed Nico's back and whispered kind words. Eventually Nico's crying dulled to a whimper. Will pulled away from the hug.

"That reminds me, I got you something!" Will excitedly pulled a small wad of tissue paper out of his pocket.

Nico stared at it.

Goodness gracious Nico take the darn thing!

Will nodded.

"Go on." Will encouraged.

Nico reluctantly opened the parcel and unwrapped it.

Nico gasped.

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