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Dear Dan,

Sorry it's been another month, something... happened.

It was a couple days ago. I was happily waiting at my desk for the moment the door would open and reveal Barry. My heart was immediately shattered at the door opened, instead of the usual thumping out of my chest. Barry's face was strung in a grin, a grin that showed pure happiness. His face was in a laugh, pointed to the girl he has his arm slung over. I was sick to my stomach in jealously, unaware on how to get the sick feeling away from coursing through my veins. I wasn't sure I wanted to rid of the feeling, thinking that I deserved to feel this way, after all I had done for Barry. Throughout the day, I found myself comparing me to her. We both had blue eyes, I had found that out relatively quickly. I was comforted by that thought, at least he likes blue eyes. And, although I didn't realize it until he end of the day, she had an Australian accent. I didn't know what to make of that, still don't.

I'll be sure to try and keep you updated on his new girlfriend, I'm sure I'll be writing more, this brings out a lot of emotions.

Could Barry be bisexual?

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