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Dear Dan,

It has been another month, I waited this long because I was making sure.

Soon after my last letter, Barry arrived to work with a bruise on his face. This was perfectly normal, until I asked him about it. He said it came from "nothing". I understand some bruises do seem to pop out of nowhere, but this was on his face. And, the whole day whenever I saw him smile, it didn't seem... real, if that makes any sense. His laughs seemed pushed, I didn't know what that had to do with the bruise on his face, they just happened on the same day. After that, I kept a closer eye on him.

The next day the bruise was still there, but looked like it was hastily covered with make up. He was also wearing a sweater. Which is normal - any other place than L.A. when it's 90 degrees out. I asked him about that and he just said he likes sweaters. He seemed off the entire day.

The day after that there was another bruise on his face, covered badly with make up. I was getting worried for Barry, I didn't know what was going on. He was wearing another sweater, and whenever I made an attempt to touch him, he flinched. Now, that got me extremely worried. I immediately thought of his girlfriend doing this - the only new person in Barry's life, but that would be very early in their relationship. I asked Barry if he wanted to bring his girlfriend to record another Grump video, he said no and that she is very busy with her own job. He wouldn't meet my eyes when he said it. I asked him what is her job, I was actually curious, he said its "nothing special". Again, not meeting my eyes when he said so.

I don't know if the others have noticed this, or just me because I'm extremely close to Barry. I'll probably tell them soon about my suspicions. If this is actually happening to Barry I want him to get help.

But all this time, only today, I've noticed how sad Arin is looking.

I've been too preoccupied with Barry I didn't notice when Arin started barely coming into work instead of coming everyday.

Today he came to work wearing a long sleeve shirt. Again, It was 90 degrees out so this was weird. I know Suzy would never hurt him, so I don't know why he's wearing it. But he was extremely quiet the whole day and he just looked like he wasn't taking care of himself. He shirt was very baggy on him and he looked like he lost weight. His hair was messy and greasy and gross. The usual flicker of laughter in his eyes was gone. I'm worried for him also.

I know something is happening in their lifes and writing these letters has helped me. Arin already writes them, so I told Barry. I didn't tell what I wrote about, I just said it's good for things you don't want to talk about with other people. Hopefully, he takes my advice.

Turns you were the glue that held us together

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