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Dear past Dan,

The decision to go to Japan was the best and worst thing to happen to me.

The best because I was living my dream. The name "Danny Sexbang" illuminated the streets at night and kids would whisper to each other in the early hours of school if they heard the new NSP song yet.

Our fame happened almost instantly, as we got off the plane people were waiting for the first glimpse of the band that was to become famous.

I'm not even sure why we became so popular, probably because majority of people couldn't understand what we were saying.

It was the worst because I left the Game Grumps. While I was gone, so many things happened. Barry became not so grump, Ross and Holly broke up, Ross and Barry got together, Arin became depressed, Arin realized his feelings.

Past me didn't realize that I didn't get the funny feeling in my stomach only around Arin. Past me passed it off only as friendship.

It's been a while since Arin died and the sadness has mostly gone away. There is still moments where I can be reminded and burst into a ball of tears.

My advice for my future self: cherish the moments- you never know what's going to be the last, and live life to the fullest- move on.

I don't regret going to Japan, I just regret what I could have done.

I loved Arin and will continue to love him, but I know I'm going to need to move on and continue my life.

Arin will have wanted me to not dwell on him, so I'll do just that, for him

Letters to DanWhere stories live. Discover now