Shady Clouds

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"Ah come on! You have to come to this party!" Aliza begged me as we were hiding in the bathroom.

"Are you serious? Don't you remember what happened the last time I went to a party? Now my life is all screwed up!" I explained to her.

"Just go! Gwen isn't going to be there..." Aliza reassured me.

Should I go? "Fine." I agreed.

We made our way out of the bathroom, blasting to the next class before anyone saw us.


"Come on! You look great." Aliza pulled me out of my house.

I waddle out of my house wearing a blue dress that was extremely tight around my body. Aliza did my hair and makeup.

We pulled up to the house that the party was taking place at. I had no clue who the host was.

As soon as I got out of Aliza's car, the scent of alcohol and smoke filled my nostrils. Here we go.

"No matter what you do, DO NOT DRINK." I warned Aliza. She nodded to show that she agreed and understood.

We got inside the house which was filled with a bunch of people dancing around holding drinks in their hands and talking to other people.

The loud music blasted our ears, making everything else inaudible. I wandered around the house after being split up with Aliza.

I hid in the bathroom which was empty, contemplating whether or not I should sneak out.

But of course, I'm not that bad of friend so I decided to stay.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was covered in foundation, and it was so difficult to keep my eyes open with the fake eyelashes.

I tried to wash off the red lipstick that I accidentally smeared.

"Mmm baby." I heard some woman's voice moan as the bathroom door suddenly busted open.

In came a drunk couple that were practically having sex.

The guy held the girl against the wall. I immediately rushed out of the bathroom before I saw anything.

I walked around the house, squeezing in between the groups of people that were dancing around, getting alcohol everywhere.

I decided to go outside onto the deck, where nobody else was. I sat down alone on the bench and looked out at the view of the city.

The bright lights from inside lit up the deck with colors. I cringed at the music playing. I was hoping that some emo kid would tackle the DJ and play some of their songs.

I was actually up to listening to some My Chemical Romance or something.

I looked at my phone. 10:13

I decided that it was time to find Aliza and go home.

I sat back up and made my way through the house. I literally could not stand being surrounded my smoke.

Everyone was passed out on the floor. I tried my best to not step on people, but then just gave up and stepped on them anyway.

I looked around everywhere, trying to find Aliza. I prayed that she wasn't drunk, because that could lead to tons of problems.

Finally I found Aliza sitting on a couch in the lounge, playing Mario Kart on the TV.

I decided to sit down next to her, and watched her play. "Woah, you won?"

Suddenly I felt a buzz in my purse, and I soon pulled out my phone and saw that I received a text from Clyde.

Clyde Garrett 10:39
Cristian just got into a car accident.

My phone fell to the floor as my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I had just read.

You know, maybe I just read that wrong.

I picked up my phone, and re-read the text message.

Clyde Garrett 10:39
Cristian just got into a car accident.

Alright, looks like I did read that correctly.

"Aliza, we need to go." I said, violently tapping on her shoulder as I sat in shock.

"Wait what's going on?" She asked, only taking her eyes off the game for a second.

"Just drive me to the hospital." I said, trying to pull her up off the chair.

"Okay okay." She answered, placing the game controller down onto the couch and walking through the house with me.

At this point I just didn't care if I stepped on anybody. The only thing that was really important in my mind at the moment was the safety of Cristian's life.

"You need to drive faster!" I begged Aliza as she made her way through the town. "OKAY WOAH NOT THAT FAST!"

"Lydia, calm down. You're literally acting like my mother during my driver's test." She said, trying to calm me down.

I sat back and tried to relax. Everything is going to be okay. Cristian will be fine, everything will be fine.

"ALIZA JUST PICK A FUCKING SPOT TO PARK!" I panicked at Aliza, who was taking her time trying to find a spot in the parking lot.

She glared at me, and then finally parked. Right when the car stopped, I hopped out of the car and ran in my heels to the hospital entrance, Aliza struggling to keep up behind me.

I ran through that halls, trying to find the room that Cristian was in. Room 38.

Where is room Room 38?

"Lydia, I think I found it!" I heard Aliza cheer as she came up behind me, gesturing me to go through another hallway.

I searched through the hallway, and finally came to a room. Room 38.

Outside of the room were a few chairs. Aliza and I sat down in them, waiting for results.

At that moment I felt the whole world stop. That's when the feeling of worrying about someone's life hit me really hard.

Woah! Let's see, will it be life or death?

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Woah! Let's see, will it be life or death?

Remember to comment and vote! Love ya all <3 Yikes! Only one chapter left

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