Chapter 1

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Kellin's POV

"Get up you little shit!"
What a lovely way to wake up. I ignore my 'mothers' harsh words. I will never call her my mother. A mother is supposed to love her kids. Support them. Be there for them. Not beat them up.

Of course ignoring her was the wrong decision. I felt a sharp pain in my ribs. I groaned and rolled over into the enormous mound of vodka bottles that seemed to be piling up. I jumped up and brushed myself off.

 I looked around at my 'bedroom' and sighed. It wasn't a bedroom. It was supposed to be a kitchen. But it wasn't even that. You see ever since my 'mother' got fired she couldn't afford any bills. This meant we had to move to this run down shack. I slept on a hard wood floor that was covered in bottles with nothing more than a blanket to keep me warm. There was a fridge and a disgusting sink which had no hot water. Then again, there wasn't any hot water at all in this house.

There was one bathroom and one bedroom in the upstairs. Of course my mother had that room all to herself. Any money that she was given was spent on herself. Nothing for me. You see I was an accident. She says I ruined her life and drove my father away. I guess it's true. It was my fault.

The one bathroom we have only has a toilet and a shower. I can only use them when my mothers out getting wasted and it's freezing cold. But oh well, that's life.

"What are you sighing for you little piece of shit!" Her face was filled with rage and I could tell what was coming.

I saw her hand flying towards me and I felt her slap me. My head whipped to the side. Then she pushed me to the ground and started kicking and punching my stomach. I groaned and whimpered as I tried to defend myself from the incoming blows.

Then she climbed on top of me, wrapping her hands around my neck. My air supply was completely cut off. I was scratching at her hands and pleading with my eyes for her to let go. Instead I was starting to see black dots. Then she got off me and kicked me one final time in the ribs.

"I'm going to bed! Get out of my sight and get to school!" I couldn't argue with that and I knew not to speak back anyway.

Quickly I threw on black skinny jeans, a Metallica shirt and a black hoodie to cover the cuts on my arms.

Since we had no food in the house I knew that I would have to go without today until my mother bought a small amount just to get us by.

I looked in the mirror. I looked like a wreck. My shoulder length black hair was messy and tangled so I quickly brushed my hands through it but there was no way to hide the hand shaped bruises that were forming around my neck. My mother didn't care about where she hurt me or what it looked like. Her only condition was that I had to make it seem like it was an accident that was my fault otherwise I would have worse coming.

I pulled up my hoodie so it covered my neck slightly more. I guess it was an improvement? Then quickly I left the hovel that I called my home and made my way from one hell to another.

Thanks for reading! This isn't my first time writing but I'm determined to make it my first ever completed fanfic! Please like and comment if you liked it and share it with your friends!


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