Chapter 12

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Kellin's POV

I let out a blood curdling scream as the belt came down on my back. It felt like my skin was on fire and I could tell that it was gonna leave some pretty huge scars.

This was my punishment for coming home late. I should have realised that coming home later would just make the punishment 10x worse. It's not like I could lie anyway as I was obviously dressed in someone else's clothes.

"You little slut!" My mother yelled "I bet you were out fucking someone tonight! You're such a whore you should do us all a favour and get paid for it! Eh, it's not like anyone would even pick you up you ugly, ungrateful bitch!"
Another lash came down upon my back. If I'd counted them correctly, considering my mind was scrambled, that made 50.

As if one final move to break me, she punched me again, probably leaving yet another bruise that I would struggle to make up an excuse for.

She immediately exited through the front door and disappeared into the night like every other day.

Normally, I would spend time showering to wash off all the blood and hurtful comments but tonight I couldn't. My muscles ached so much I was finding it hard to move. I had had a shower earlier at Vic's anyway so it's not like I really needed another.

I rolled out my sleeping bag and slipped in carful not to hurt myself even more. The only way to relive myself of the pain was to sleep. So that's what I did.

~ time skip to the next morning ~

I was awoken by the front door slamming. That meant my mother was home.

I curled up into a ball, waiting for the abuse. But it never came.

I opened one of my eyes to see if I was still dreaming or something. But I wasn't. I looked my mother and she just scowled at me before walking straight up the stairs. For once I was safe.

As I stood up I felt a horrendous burning pain in my back. It took everything I had left in mine not to scream.

I scrunched up my face in discomfort but pushed through it. I knew this was now going to become a regular occurrence so I better get used to it.

I splashed my face with some cold water from the mouldy, rust covered sink. I grabbed a hoodie and some jeans and folded up Vic's clothes, placing them in my bag.

There was nothing to eat in the house this morning so I had to go without. Actually it was pretty rare that we had any food so this wasn't a shock to me.

I walked out the door and made my way to school.

I managed to get there just in time and had about 15 minutes to spare. Usually I would just hang around in the toilets until the bell went seeing as most people avoided the vile facilities.

That's where I was headed until the guys spotted me.

"Hey Kellin!" Mike called me over with a wave of his hand.

I didn't want to be rude so I went over only to see their faces drop.

"Dude, what happened in your face?" Jaime asked in a small voice.

What were they talking about?

Slowly I raised my hand to my face pressing gently. I felt a sharp pain just under my eye and realised it was where my mother had hit me the night before.

"U-umm" oh god what do I say?!

"Did someone hit you Kellin?" I didn't know what to do so I just nodded, hoping they would drop the subject, but of course, they didn't.

"Who was it?" I stayed silent. I racked my brain trying to think of a possible answer which was proving harder than expected. Luckily they gave an answer for me.

"Was It Brad and his gang?"

Technically it wasn't a lie because they do constantly beat me up just this one didn't come from them.

"Oh I'm sorry Kellin" Vic said looking guilty. "I promise we'll take care of you from now on"

I just gave a weak smile. The bell ring saving us from an awkward silence which I was grateful for.

I waved them goodbye and headed to class.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I know this is quite a slow burning plot but please hold on because I promise there will be some kellic action soon! Please vote and comment!


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